
14 brilliant short films to watch at lunchtime

You've probably noticed that almost every average Hollywood big-budget movie lasts a good two hours, and who has time these days? That's why we smile from ear to ear when we come across a short and good film, rich in its creativity and originality. We have found as many as 14 of them for you, which you can see during lunch.

So that you don't just stare at (un)read e-mails during lunch or during a break, rather take a few minutes and enjoy these brilliant films.

1. 7:35 de la mañana (At 7:35 in the morning)

When watching a musical, you too have probably wondered about the absurdity of a character who can burst into song at any time. The film's director also asked himself the same question 7:35 in the morning, nominated for an Oscar in 2004. The seven-minute film is an elaborate subversion of the musical, which is also richer in content than most Hollywood productions.

2. I Met the Walrus

In 1969, Jerry Levitan, a 14-year-old enthusiast of The Beatles, armed with a tape recorder and a bunch of questions, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto. 38 years later, Jerry produced a film about this event. Using the original soundtrack, director Josh Raskin weaves a visual narrative that gently seduces Lennon's every word in a cascade of mixed animation.

3. The Big Shave

A dark comedy in which he Scorsese appeared in the role of a young man who first cuts himself a little while shaving, then butchers himself more and more intensively, and finally cuts his throat with a razor. The self-mutilation is a metaphor for the increasingly destructive Vietnam War, as the alternative title of this film is Viet '67.

4. The Lamp

Roman Polanski he is known for his scary movies and no less scary life. His first short film is no different. The dark and at the same time funny story about a doll maker whose shop burns down during a storm can also boast an avant-garde sound that accompanies us throughout the story.

5. Random Stop

For police officers, any traffic stop can be fatal. Director Benjamin Arfmann turned a true story into a suspenseful seven-minute film. Shadow of the Sheriff, good consistency of content and rich scenes.

6. A Trip to the Moon

The director's 16-minute classic silent film released in 1902 Georges Méliès' Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip To The Moon) is considered by many to be one of the most important works in film history and to be the first film in which the subject of science fiction was used, along with special effects, which at the turn of the 19th century were considered something more "modern". The film was based on two popular novels of the time, From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne and The First Men and the Moon by HG Wells.

7. Don't Fear Death

Comedian Rick Mayall unfortunately he passed away this year. Ironically, his latest contribution to the film industry is the voice of Louis Hudson's animated short about the virtues of death.

8. Mis-drop

Ferand Peek can stand with its twelve-minute film alongside another big-budget film of this summer, Edge of Tomorrow. Mis-drop is pure art. Static shots of a young soldier's face on an intergalactic mission, story, scene and character development, accompanied by brilliant sound and visual effects on the glass surface of his helmet.

9. Gulp

Before the movie Juno and Up in the Air, director Jason Reitman found success with his short film in 2001. Funny, detailed and with a surprising ending.

10. JohnnyExpress

For a shade dark and funny animated film from South Korea it shows a lazy deliveryman in space unknowingly destroying the "alien" population.

11. The Spirit of Christmas

In 1995, this one funny cartoon somehow got into the hands of the executive producers of the American Fox Network. Matt Stone and Trey Parker were immediately tasked with creating a short cartoon that could be sent to America's stars as a Christmas card. The film was entitled "The Spirit of Christmas" and became an instant hit. That's how it started South Park.

12. Hotel Chevalier

Hotel Chevalier represents the "introduction" to the feature film The Darjeeling Limited. The film is an interesting and cute story about an American who is visited in a Paris hotel room by a girl with whom he broke up some time ago. For Wes Anderson fans.

13. Unknown Soldier

The Doors are credited with one of the first music videos, combining their anti-war song The Unknown Soldier with an urban landscape, band members on the beach and archival footage of people celebrating the end of World War II. Fans of the Doors will enjoy the band's music and authentic recordings; haters come to their senses with a bound and executed Jim Morrison.

14. For the Birds

For the Birds by Disney Pixar is a cute short cartoon that, if nothing else, illustrates the saying "everything comes back, everything pays".

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