
On September 14, the New Moon in Virgo arrives, bringing opportunities for personal growth

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Almost every month, the Moon gets a fresh start, a blank slate, and is reborn as a New Moon. Some bring you happiness, others disappointment. What does the New Moon in Virgo bring you this time?

September 14 is coming new moon in virgo. This is the moment when the Moon moves with the Sun so that it appears invisible from Earth, but its influence on our lives is far from invisible.

The new moon is in astrology known as harbinger of change, which offers a unique moment for the emergence of new ideas and possibilities. The new moon in Virgo is particularly important, as it is considered one of the strongest lunar opportunities for personal growth.

The new moon in Virgo will affect all astrological signs


The new moon in Virgo encourages you to reorganize your priorities and bring order to your life. At the same time, it challenges you to take responsibility for your overall health and well-being. This is a great time to set boundaries and take care of your mental and physical fitness.

Photo: Adria Garcia Sarceda / Unsplash


The new moon in Virgo brings you energy in the creative and romantic sector. Focus on incorporating your artistic tendencies into your daily self-care routines. This time reminds you that the past should not determine your future, so cherish what is good for your soul. New creative rituals will inspire you to continue your journey.


You are currently experiencing a period of peace as the Moon transits your fourth house of family and home. This is a time to think about what you need to feel safe and secure, and to think about your home as a sanctuary.

Life is happening - now! Photo: Alexandra Gorn/Unsplash


Cancer, think carefully before making any major moves during this period. The influence of retrograde Mercury reminds you of the importance of logical thinking and prevents you from being overly critical of others.


The New Moon encourages you to pay attention to your spending habits while also reminding you to appreciate what you already have. During this time, be grateful and set financial boundaries, because this way you will handle your resources in a more balanced way.

A virgin

This lunation is extremely transformative for Virgos. Now is the time to realize your plans, discoveries, feelings and hopes. Pay attention to your habits and strive for simplicity, as this will help you achieve your goals.


Libra, now is the time to stop and be aware of your presence. It is important to find inner peace and reflect on your life without idealizing it. This is an opportunity to develop your inner peace.


New Moon in Virgo it reminds you that it's perfectly okay to rely on others for support. Your group of friends can expand, and they will be your biggest support.

Look at yourself! Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash


The new moon in Virgo encourages you to take risks and perhaps change your career. But be patient, because change is a process that requires time and persistence.


This moon encourages you to explore outside your comfort zone and change your perspective on values or identities you may hold dear. It is important to understand that value starts with you and that all recognitions are special rewards.


Radical changes are underway, but the biggest lesson is how to balance your advocacy for others with self-care. During this period, focus on your development.


During this period, your relationships are in the spotlight. Don't live in the clouds and face what is real. This is the right time to develop your inner peace.

The new moon in Virgo brings changes and challenges for each zodiac sign, but also opportunities for growth and development.

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