
14 useful things that Apple headphones can do

Did you know that the real intuitive remote control is hidden in those white Apple headphones? Namely, they enable users to do more than ordinary telephone headsets. Here are 14 things Apple's headphones can do — from sending unwanted calls straight to voicemail with one click, to effortlessly skipping to the part we want to hear.

14 useful things that Apple headphones can do that you don't know yet:

1. Play/pause music.

How? By clicking the center button.
If we want to start playing music or if we want to stop it right now, we click on the middle button. This works in conjunction with videos and podcasts (or business podcasts), as well as streaming music services such as Spotify and our iTunes library.

2. Skip to the next song.

How? Double-click the center button.
If we want to skip some music, a double click will suffice.

3. Playing the song again.

How? Triple click the center button.
If we can't get enough of a certain song and would like to hear it over and over again, we can do it by triple clicking the middle button.

4. Fast forward the song.

How? Double click and hold.
We can use this function when we want to skip to our favorite part of the song.

5. Fast forward to the beginning of the song.

How? Click three times and hold.
We can use this function when we want to hear our favorite part of the song again.

6. Photographing.

How? We click on the volume button (when we have the camera application open).
If we need a quick photo and want to keep a steady hand, this is the ideal way to get the perfect photo.

7. Microphone.

How? Um…we're just talking into them.
Well, this is probably the most obvious feature on this list, but you'd be surprised to know how many people aren't aware of it. This feature is great when working in a noisy environment as it is the best way to communicate clearly over the phone.

READ MORE: Facebook Messenger: 9 useful features you don't know about yet

8. Answer the call.

How? When we receive an incoming call, we click once on the center button.
Simply "cool" for all situations when we have the phone in our pants and headphones in our ears.

9. Call termination.

How? With a single click on the center button (during a call).
If we want to end the call, we just press the center button once.

10. Call Hold.

How? Single click on the center button (while talking on the phone and get a new call).
When talking on the phone, we can put a call on hold and answer another call by holding the center button for one second.

11. Ending a call for someone on the other line.

How? We click and hold the middle button for two seconds (while we are on the phone and receive another call).
If we don't want to receive another call, we just click and hold the center button for two seconds.

12. Incoming call straight to voicemail.

How? Hold down the center button during an incoming call.
Nobody cares about voicemail anymore. And if we want to avoid the call, the right way is to send it right to the mailbox,

13. Talking to Siri.

How? We click and hold the middle button (if we are not on the phone, of course).
The fastest way to invoke Siri is to click the middle button and hold it for a while. For each new question, press the middle button again.

14. Using all the listed ticks on Mac and iPad.

Even on Mac and iPad, or on any modern Apple device, we can use the listed tricks, including adjusting the volume. Who would have thought that all this could be achieved with just the index finger and thumb?

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