
We'll Regret It Someday: The 15 Biggest Mistakes We Make in Our 20s and 30s

Unfortunately, there are quite a few bad decisions in life that have lasting consequences, but even these mistakes could be easily avoided if we only found some desire and motivation in ourselves. Here are fifteen of the worst mistakes we make in our twenties when building our professional and personal lives, and how to avoid them.

What are the biggest mistakes we humans make between the ages of 20 and 30?

1. We think that education and talent are enough to become successful.

High intelligence, natural talent and certificates from elite universities are certainly good things, but they do not guarantee that we will get a good job, and they mean nothing if we are not willing to work hard. A good career requires diligence, persistence and a lot of effort and energy. One must learn that there are very few shortcuts when it comes to career success. This never happens by itself.

2. We neglect our health.

When we get older, we will quickly realize that we simply can't "party" anymore like we used to, at college. Our cats will become so fierce that the idea of drinking all night will be laughable and unappealing to us. The further we get away from our schooling, the more likely it is that our acceptable adolescent behavior (binge drinking, smoking and unhealthy eating) will turn into dangerous habits. We must also pay attention to our mental health, as many potential mental illnesses usually appear around the age of twenty.

3. We don't skimp.

A recent survey found that 69 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 29 have no savings. Our retirement may seem a long way off, but we'll be doing ourselves a big favor if we recognize the importance of saving as soon as possible. There is no need to start saving huge sums as we are just getting started, but it is important to start.

We don't skimp.
We don't skimp.

4. We equate happiness with money.

Prestige and a high salary may indeed make us happier in the moment, but lasting happiness and success require much more. We will regret it if we only follow money and not our passions.

5. We give up when things get tough.

The end of a romantic relationship, a leg at work and a bad start to a new project - everything seems devastating, especially if it happens to us for the first time. But instead of giving up, we should use mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve ourselves. Failure is not the end of the world!

6. We let other people define us as people.

When we're starting our careers and we're not entirely sure what we want, we can be susceptible to things like letting others choose the path for us. We must be aware that our success will also be based on how we perceive ourselves, because this will also have an impact on how others perceive us.

We are impatient.
We are impatient.

7. We are impatient.

Where does it say that by the age of 30 we must have a husband/wife, a house and a defined career for the next ten years? Let's be patient and focus on the present. When we are younger, we sometimes feel like we need to achieve all our goals in the shortest possible time. But in fact, we must learn to be grateful and pay attention to the important things in life that can take our life in one direction or another.

8. We try to serve everyone in turn.

When we start our careers, it may seem obvious that we want to be on friendly terms with our boss, clients and all our colleagues. Instead of being crushed when we realize that some of them just don't like us, we prefer to accept it and move on. It is inevitable that someone will not like us, and it is better for us to understand this sooner and not try harder than to worry about it.

9. We think all friendships should last forever.

We tend to think that our college friends will be our best friends for life. Some will indeed stay with us for most of our lives, and some will live their own lives. When my friends and I no longer live in the same city or place, we find out which of them mean the most to us and with whom we really want to maintain a good relationship.

We think that moving to a new place or city will solve our problems.
We think that moving to a new place or city will solve our problems.

10. We think that moving to a new place or city will solve our problems.

Traveling and moving to new places can enrich us culturally, and the twenties are an ideal time for both. But we don't think that moving will solve our problems, suddenly enlighten our horizons, meaning and direction.

11. We live in a bubble.

It is important to build a relationship with colleagues, but if we stay within the boundaries of a certain world, we can quickly get a myopic perspective. We must also allow ourselves to get to know new horizons and areas. The people who surround us have a direct influence on our success and failure. In fact, they influence everything - how much we move, what we wear, how much we earn and what values we value. Therefore, if we want to live a full and happy life, we must learn to properly build relationships with good people, whom we respect, and distance ourselves from people who have a negative influence on us.

We are looking for a soul mate.
We are looking for a soul mate.

12. We are looking for a soulmate.

Some people choose to spend their twenties single, without commitment to others. Still others are looking for the right person to marry. The latter group can be caught up in the fantasy of finding someone with whom everything "clicks" and with whom the relationship is simple. But in real life, the richest and most long-term relationships require work and dedication. We have to make sacrifices, adapt and accept imperfections. And that's what makes it fun!

13. We plan for a few years ahead.

It is difficult to predict where we will actually land and what we will be doing in a year. Rather than struggling with five-year plans, focus on immediate goals.

14. We think we are less successful than our friends or colleagues.

As we find our way in the world that defines us as adults, and as we build our careers, we can feel like our friends and colleagues are more successful than we are. But regardless of income, employment or life situation, in our twenties we all struggle with finding our true path - and we tend to do so for the rest of our lives.

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