
15 countries where attractive men are the main attraction

The growing interest in travel has not only tripled the number of bloggers, but also led to unusual recommendations for tourists. For example, the online magazine Insider Monkey has classified the countries where the most beautiful men live on our planet. Points were awarded based on beauty titles and competitions: Manhunt International, Mister Global, Mister International and Mister World gave each country one point. The titles Mr. Cuteness, Mr. Online Popularity, Best Figure, Best Model, Mr. Charming Smile and Mr. People's Choice were rated with half a point. You just can't ignore a chart like that. So where do the most beautiful men live and which countries should you visit?

15. South Korea

Although South Korea is not a leader in beauty pageants, participants from this country are usually crowned with titles such as Mr. Cuteness, Best Figure, and Best Model.

14. France

The French won the Manhunt International competition and the titles of Mister World in 2002 and 2015. They also won the title of Mister Cuteness.

13. Turkey

Participants from Turkey won the title of Mister World in 1996 and the Manhunt International competition in 2005. In 2016, they also won the title of best figure.

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12. The Czech Republic

The Czechs won the Mr. Global title in 2016, and they also regularly win in the photogenic category.

11. Myanmar

Myanmar picked up the title of Mister Global in 2014, as well as Best Model and Mister Online Popularity in 2015 and 2016.

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10. South Africa

South Africans easily win the title of best physique, not only in competitions but also in real life. They won the oldest beauty pageant for men, Manhunt International, in 1995.

9. Sweden

Sweden is one of only two countries to win Manhunt International more than once. Lucky years for blue-eyed beauties were 1998 and 2016.

8. Spain

The Spaniard became Mister World in 2007. At the Mister Global competition, the Mister Photogenic and Best Model titles are usually awarded.

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TRUE BLUE with the NEW @thebrubakerco

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7. China

The Mister Global competition only summarizes the modeling skills and photogenicity of the Chinese representatives. They also have 2 Manhunt International wins viz. 2007 and 2011.

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hello..I'm wanghao. 😁

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6. India

Indians became the winners of Mister World in 2016 and Manhunt International in 2001. Their charisma and modeling skills are also highlighted time and again in beauty pageants.

5. The Philippines

A charming smile and online popularity is what has been noticed about Filipinos in the Mister Global pageant. They also have victories at Manhunt International and Mister International.

4. Venezuela

Venezuelans won laurels in almost every competition. They won the Mister World, Manhunt International and Mister International competitions.

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A mi no me vengan con el cliché de “adiós 2017, bienvenido 2018” Yo intento enfrentar un poco más lo que fue este año, y lo que quiero y deseo pal próximo … Este 2017 aprendí que tan idiota puedo ser, el nivel tan grande de imbecil que puedo logar si me esfuerzo al ser un necio con el destino y sus señales que casi me tomaban por el cabello y sumergía mi cara en los que debáia ser el camino correcto, y como sé el nivel al que puedo llegar, aprendí y no quiero volver a serlo, respeto cada signal y cada destino al que no debo ir... Quiero agradecer a cada persona que llego y se quedo, al igual que agradezco a las que llegaron y se fueron y también a los que solo se fueron por ley ... because I understood that "LA VIDA NO TE QUITA COSAS, TE LIBERA DE COSAS" así como también ensambla las piezas necesario de tu rompecabeza... todo está en la calidad y la valentía de sus p ersonas, que Venezuela no son 916,445 km² de tierra montaña, lago mar y ríos... sino el corazón y las ganas de su gente que ha sabido forzadamente adaptarse a la plaga más consumidora de moral, Etica y sueños que ha llegado a este país, y que a pesar de ... aquí seguimos con la frente en algo contrujendo, proponiendo y emprendiendo, por esos guerreros que salieron a defender y ya no están con nosotros, mi respeto y consciencia siempre activa para que permanezcan en mi recuerdo como "el GRAN EJEMPLO QUE VENEZUELA NOS DIO “ Bajas económicas, distracciones profesionales que nos attemptaron sacar del camino, pero que al final del túnel se presentaron como un lindo paisaje que hoy por hoy los mantiene aquí. THANK YOU!! Si, GRACIAS a quienes nunca dejaron de confiar ya ustedes que son la muestra tácita y en cifras del cariño y el respeto ganado a pulso por simplemente ser yo desde el primer día por decisioni y que gracias a ustedes ya quienes han apostado en mi y mi carrera en la tv, desde mis tutores externos a los medias, hasta mis jefes, producedores y equipo, puedo llevar las riendas de mi familia y que está no les falte nada, así como se lo prometí a mi vieja a los 14años

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3. Lebanon

Lebanon is the only country to have won the Mister International title three times – 2006, 2012 and 2016.

2. Vietnam

The Vietnamese were the winners of the Mister Global, Manhunt International and Mister International contests. Titles such as Mr. Photogenic and Mr. Internet Popularity do not escape them either.

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#FA thì sao⁉️ 😎 #masformen

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1. Brazil

The titles from the Mister World, Mister Global and 2 wins at the Mister International contest belong to Brazilians. Apparently, this hot country is home to the sexiest men in the world.

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