
15 ideas for creating decorative Easter bunnies

In the run-up to Easter, shops are also filled with Easter bunnies, which are mainly found in chocolate form. In Europe, the Easter Bunny is quite well-known and popular, as he brings treats to children. Are you interested in where this ancient symbol of Easter comes from and how you can decorate and beautify the holiday with original ideas? Look at 15 original ideas for decorating the festive table or at home and for creating decorative Easter bunnies.

It also belongs to the Easter symbols Easter Bunny, which represents an ancient symbol of fertility and derived from of the Germanic pagan world. According to unknown sources, it is said to be a parable of the Germanic goddess Eastra. The Germans consecrated the holiday Great nights to the goddess Eastra, which is supposed to have a rabbit's head. We know from here the English term Easter, which is said to originate from the name of the goddess. Together with pirhi we associate the Easter bunny because he is supposed to lay eggs easter eggs and distributed them to the children. Easter there is also a time when you festive table and home we also decorate with bunnies, so ideas for decoration are more than welcome.

 Photo: Going home to roost.
Photo: Going home to roost.

See the decorations in the gallery.

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