
15 New Year's resolutions for a happy and healthy 2021

Eternal vows - set realistic expectations for the coming year.

Before you is not a list of classic New Year's resolutions, but ones that are truly achievable and depend only on you.

1. Disconnect from social media more often and take time to spend more time with the people you love and doing things that make you happy.

2. Travel and see at least one new place, even if it's just a few miles from home.

3. Instead of looking for love, spend more time building sincere friendships.

4. Don't ignore your mental health and what it's trying to tell you. Listen to your body.

5. If you don't know how to get through problems - ask for help. This will not make you weak, but will make you stronger.

6. Create a toolbox with which you will eliminate stress. Fill it with inspirational thoughts, your favorite chocolate, baking recipes, names of people you trust, and anything that helps you de-stress.

7. Take time each day to reflect on your behavior and find out where you went wrong and what you could have done differently.

8. Learn something new.

9. Release the sadness from your heart every night before you go to bed by finding an outlet for your pain, be it writing, painting, singing.

10. Drink lots of water. Eat at least one healthy meal a day.

11. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in 2020 and try to process the things you did wrong and only learn from them. Start 2021 with no regrets.

12. Tell the people you love more often.

13. Tell yourself that you love each other. Everyday. Not only when you are happy, but also when you are sad.

14. Be kind. For no reason.

15. Remember those words you keep saying you're going to do something but never do? Do this.

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