
15 things that only those who are truly in love with books will understand!

Do you have a rule that you don't lend your books to all the people in a row... and when you finally do, are you nervous?

Each of us has a hobby, a passion, something that we particularly enjoy. But one of these passions is very special, and this is it love of books. These are 15 things that true book lovers have experienced at least once in their lives.

1. At least once it happened to you that you were not ready to read a new book because you were still emotionally attached to the previous one.

2. At the beginning of the year, you set a goal for how much you would read and exceeded it.

You read more books this year than you intended.
You read more books this year than you intended.

3. You spent more than an hour in the library browsing the bookshelves.

4. You took more than two books on a short trip.

You are happy to pass the time in the library.
You are happy to pass the time in the library.

5. You have a habit of smelling books and enjoy this smell to the extreme.

6. You were very disappointed after the movie adaptation of one of the books, so now you avoid such movies.

You enjoy the smell of a book.
You enjoy the smell of a book.

7. You dream of having your own library in your apartment / house.

8. You read a book late into the night, even though you know you will have to get up early.

You dream of having your own library at home.
You dream of having your own library at home.

9. On the train or bus, you "fell into the book" so much that you missed your stop.

10. You were disappointed with the ending of the book and had to complain to someone and read all the comments on the forums to see if others were as disappointed.

You can't be indifferent to books.
You can't be indifferent to books.

11. When you are asked what your favorite book is, it takes a long time to answer.

12. You cried at least once at the death of a favorite character.

Books are your best friend.
Books are your best friend.

13. You were completely enthralled by the book, and you read the last chapters several times - all just so that the book wouldn't end.

14. You almost had a nervous breakdown where the restoration of the book or its brief description was not a true representation of its content.

You are so excited about the book that you read the last chapters several times - all so that the book does not end.
You are so excited about the book that you read the last chapters several times - all so that the book does not end.

15. You are nervous about lending your book to others, and you also have a rule that you don't lend books to just anyone.

Books with which you will easily acquire reading habits

The bookworm club is not a closed organization. Anyone can join and enjoy free membership benefits. Among other things, regular reading of literature is connected with increased emotional stability, general awareness, better expression and better abilities to regulate interpersonal relationships. But reading, more than anything else, is a skill that needs to be learned. If you want to increase your pile of books you've read, read about the books that will help you get into the habit of reading easily.

Harry Potter series (JK Rowling)

Harry Potter
Harry Potter

We know, Harry Potter can turn out to be a slightly chewed-up idea for casual reading. However, if you haven't picked up the fifth best-selling book of all time, we recommend you take the time to go to Hogwarts with Harry, Hermione and Ron. You won't regret it.

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Lemony Snicket)

A sequence of unfortunate events
A sequence of unfortunate events

The Series of Unfortunate Events spans as many as 13 books, providing a pleasantly thick pile of excellent reading. Snicket will take you on a slightly scary but at the same time optimistic adventure of Baudelaire's orphans.

Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)

Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451

This book requires a slightly more collected reader, but is later rewarded with a suspenseful story full of life lessons.

Charlie's World (Stephen Chbosky)

Charlie's World
Charlie's World

The American bestseller about growing up was also published in a Slovenian translation after a few years' delay. Charlie's world is full of dating, drugs, family drama and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The Girl on the Train (Paula Hawkins)

The girl on the train
The girl on the train

If you have not yet discovered the outcome of this suspenseful crime by watching the film, we strongly recommend that you get to know the story through the book. Once you pick up the book The Girl on the Train, you won't be able to put it down.

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