
These are 16 signs that show that you are a "highly sensitive person"

About one in five people is a highly sensitive person.

Who is a highly sensitive person? He is an emotionally intelligent person who feels things more deeply and is sensitive to the energy of other people. Let's see what are the signs of a highly sensitive person according to a bestseller The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron Ph.D.

1. Sometimes you feel like you're on a roller coaster of emotions

Whether it's a positive or negative emotion, when you feel it, you feel it strongly. Other people don't bother with different situations, but you feel fully present in all of them.

2. You often have very vivid and complex dreams

Your dream world contains details and scenarios that look like you put hours of thought into them. When other people interpret their dreams, they seem simple and fragmented—not like your dreams, which are interwoven with endless details.

3. You've been told many times that you're just too sensitive.

You do not tolerate injustice and it hurts your heart to see people being unfair and hurting each other.

4. You can quickly feel overwhelmed

When you are in the company of many people or while listening to their problems. Their problems easily become your problems because you don't let them go and keep them inside.

You can quickly feel overwhelmed.
You can quickly feel overwhelmed.

5. You have an incredible sex drive

But, because you are very sensitive, you nurture an emotional bond and only have sex with your partner. You never have a relationship where there is no love and strong sexual connection.

6. You have a special relationship with caffeine

You are sensitive to the effects of caffeine.

7. You prefer simple, calm things to clutter

Hate colors that don't match, loud noises and bright lights.

You have a special relationship with caffeine.
You have a special relationship with caffeine.

8. You don't understand what people mean when they say: "Let it go" or "Take it easy."

For you, emotions are something you feel deeply – not something you can instantly perceive or let go of.

9. You have struggled with anxiety or depression.

Sometimes you get lost in your own world and have a hard time coming back to the world of reality. The stress and pain of others swallows you up too quickly.

10. Feel the vibrations, the energy of the space you are in

When your friends are having relationship problems, feel them in front of them. If someone is pretending to be happy, feel their true feelings.

11. Hate being late

You also don't like to work under pressure!

Feel the vibrations, the energy of the space you are in.
Feel the vibrations, the energy of the space you are in.

12. Value time for yourself

Time in which you just breathe and relax. Time away from the drama other people have.

13. Love and hate horror movies

On the one hand, emotional depth allows you to connect with the content in an exciting way. On the other hand, long after the movie is over, you still get caught up in the scary parts of the movie.

14. You like routine

You experience the same thing over and over again, because that way you can focus more and more on that thing.

15. You were shy as a child

You weren't afraid of other people, you simply preferred being alone or with a close group of friends rather than meeting new people all the time. Unlike shyness or social anxiety, being a highly sensitive person is an innate personality trait (perhaps genetic). It is who you are, not something that should be changed.

You like routine.
You like routine.

16. Sometimes you find other people primitive and loud

They don't consider other people's feelings like you do. They seem to walk through life saying whatever comes to mind. They may even try to harm others. You don't understand how they can be like this.

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