
17. Creative Camp Sajeta 2016 – creative and different

17. Creative Camp Sajeta 2016 - a haven of creativity and diversity

Ta-da-da-dam! In July 2016, from the 11th to the 17th, to be precise, the 17th Sajeta Creative Camp will take place in Tolmin - a festival that brings together different creative practices and experiences in one place, where music plays a central role.

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Entrance fee
8-50 €

17. Sajeta creative camp, which is actually a boutique festival, brings with it little-known musical worlds, excessive genre restrictions, and the confrontation of domestic and foreign productions, mainly of marginal musical practices. Med July 11 and 17, 2016 musicians from Slovenia, Macedonia, Italy, Serbia, Germany, England, Sweden and Armenia. They will present various musical genres such as electronica, jazz, rock, ethno, classical and experimental music. Among other things, experimentation and creativity in art are common to all of these.

Although music will be at the forefront of the event, Sajeta also connects a wide range of other types of art - film, multimedia, poetry, sculptures, performances, dance, graphics and another. By deviating from the classic festival story, every year the organizers try to satisfy the curious audience and create a haven of creativity and diversity in a specific natural environment.

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Sajeta Creative Camp – a festival that brings together various creative practices and experiences in one place, of which music occupies the central place.
Sajeta Creative Camp – a festival that brings together various creative practices and experiences in one place, of which music occupies the central place.

What specifically will the music and art festival in Tolmin offer this year? They will perform Aikula, Ana Kravanja, Bojan Vrlič aka Mr Hoffmann, Bratko Bibič, DJ Stem, Dušan Gerlica, HYBRIDA, Howling Owl, HuxDexAA, Ivo Poderžaj, Jaka Berger, Jelena Popržan, Lira Vega, Nani Neumeier, Marina Džukljev, Marko A. Kovačič, Miroslav Sretenović, OLFAMOŽ, Mia Zabelka, Paul Schubert, Samo Kutin, Sofia Hardig, The Fall, The Mechanical Tales, Tomaga, Vid Drašler etc.

They will unfold many workshops, in which festival visitors will explore and create. There will be a traditional sculptural, musical, children's workshop, film guerillas or with a camera on your head, reciscene, traditional yoga practice, dance workshop and weaving and screen printing workshops. Did any of this appeal to you?

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