
17 Signs He Doesn't Care About You Enough

Photo: IG couplegoals

You give him everything and he gives you very little.

If you're fine with it for now because you're madly in love with him, there will soon come a time when you'll feel bad about it. If you recognize yourself in several of these descriptions, it is a sign that there is an imbalance in your relationship.

17 Signs He Doesn't Care About You Enough

1. You think of him all the time. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him. And he never tells you that he misses and loves you. Sometimes you wonder if he feels the same way you do.

2. You shower before seeing each other. You are waxing. You put on makeup and dress up, and he has the same T-shirt as yesterday... and the day before yesterday.

3. You start the conversation first. Constantly. Be the first to send a good morning message or change the subject to continue the conversation.

4. You spend hours and hours searching for the perfect gift for him. He didn't even make an effort for yours (if he gave it to you at all). He bought you something impersonal.

5. Only you suggest where to go on a date. You invite him. You search for a movie. You plan and he doesn't lift a finger.

6. You help him in any way you can because his happiness is the most important thing to you. He never offers to pick you up or to remove the ice from your car window.

7. You have to ask if you want something. Even pray.

8. When you have a problem, you want to sit down and talk. He does not want to talk about feelings, but ignore things and pretend that everything is fine.

9. You are embarrassed when another man conquers you. You feel like you're doing something you shouldn't, even though you're not flirting. Meanwhile, he likes photos of half-naked women on social networks and sends messages to single women.

10. Whenever he talks about himself, remember the details about him. He doesn't even know your brother's name or when your birthday is.

11. You do all the work during sex. Only you are ready to provide oral pleasure.

12. You give him praise for everything. For his beard, for his smile… whatever. He never compliments you. If he gives you a compliment, it's about your looks, never your personality.

13. You tell him that you can't wait for marriage or life together, but he never talks about it. Sometimes it even changes the subject.

14. You try to incorporate him into your life. Invite him out with friends and to dinner with his parents. But you know nothing about his life. You haven't even met the most important people.

15. After an argument, you cancel all plans and cry in bed. He doesn't cry. He goes out with his friends and has fun. Your argument didn't spoil his evening.

16. Your social media profiles are full of his photos. He never posts anything about you.

17. Do everything for him. Everything. You gave him your heart and soul. He doesn't appreciate that. He never thanked you.

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