Acclaimed American cartoonist and writer, women's advocate Nicole Hollander once satirically said: "Can you imagine a world without men? There would be no crime, but there would be lots of happy and fat women."
Well, I'm not exactly one of those women who would let that men dictate their lifestyles, at the same time, I wouldn't have anything against a chocolate factory instead of municipal offices, but I agree that there would be fewer wars in the world and more diplomatic negotiations and compromises. Although my personal name is not exactly associated with peace, as it was in Greek mythology Helena the one that ignited the Trojan War, and men were also to blame for that, I join the initiative to find new forms of entertainment for men to strengthen the role of women all over the world. By this I do not mean sitting in bars with a beer in hand, where they shout "super" with loud exclamations large TV screen and they cheer for anyone, while they send their friend in a pink shirt to their friends across the street in a pastry shop, but I think that they are looking for some object of desire that will completely occupy their world. I should add that it has been proven several times that men do not need much, as they can only deal with one thing at a time, and you can find some hints in this edition as well, as the red thread of the magazine is men's world and their "toys". And if Prince Philip (husband of Queen Elizabeth II of England) is of the belief that when a man opens the car door for his wife he either has a new car or a new wife, I'm all for that scenario where my eyes glaze over at the metallic reflection as I enter , the smell of leather drowns out the aromas from a nearby restaurant, and James Brown's piece is heard from the speakers "It's a Man's Man's Man's World” …
#170City Magazine - FROM 23 SEPTEMBER TO 7 OCTOBER 2013 by City Magazine