
18 people who deserve credit for their work!

Unforgivable mistakes funny to die for.

Everyone makes mistakes at work. We sometimes get stuck too... we get stuck, but we overlook it despite repeated reading - but the craftsmen, planners and designers presented below have covered the whole line when doing their work. What were they thinking when they planned a faucet without a sink, concreted the channel cover on the hump and installed the basketball hoop right under the window???

No one is perfect, and before you get upset, remember that they are too incompetent craftsmen, designers and planners only people. But mistakes they made while doing their job afforded and which you will learn about below, are simply inadmissible, although at the same time funny to die for. Therefore, they deserve not only a thank you, but also a dismissal for their work. Who actually gave them a job in the first place?

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