
18 phrases that a childless woman NEVER wants to hear!

Whether a woman wants to have children or not is her personal decision.

There are people who want to comment on a woman's choice not to have children. They believe that her decision is selfish, unnatural, regrettable. She is considered a woman who does not like children, but this is not true in most cases.

No woman should have to justify her choice not to have a child to anyone and receive comments related to that choice.

And these are phrases that women without children hear most often, but they really don't want to!

1. With children, my life took on complete meaning.
2. Who will take care of you when you get old?
3. You'll end up like those women who have cats instead of children and grandchildren.
4. You are selfish.
5. You'll change your mind when you meet the right man.
6. You are missing the most beautiful and best thing in life.
7. Your biological clock is ticking, what are you waiting for?
8. Too bad. You may regret such a decision.
9. Why do you need such an apartment if you don't have children?
10. But, you'd be a great mom!

No woman should have to justify her choice not to have a child to anyone and receive comments related to that choice.
No woman should have to justify her choice not to have a child to anyone and receive comments related to that choice.

11. You think you don't want children, but when you have them, you'll change your mind.
12. Aren't you afraid that your boyfriend/husband will leave you because you don't want children?
13. You don't have a child, so you can't understand it.
14. Only with a child can you find out what true love is.
15. All your friends have kids, so you should too.
16. What are you waiting for, prince on a white horse, to have a baby?
17. You'll understand when you have a baby.
18. Do you think you are tired? You don't know what it means to be tired.

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