
#187 - City Magazine - Summer in the City

55 tips for a summer escape, this is what we offer you with the edition of our summer issue, which will accompany you during the endless holidays and guide you to city events, to music festivals and concerts, to a movie night or street theater, to a visit to an exhibition , to clubs, for an urban stroll or a city stop, for a cocktail or ice cream...

Summer promises us (as always) some beautiful moments both in the capital and outside it. It will definitely be lively when we are sat around the annual gardens, seductive when we will revealing with summer dresses, hot when the sun will be milking between the clouds, and salty when we will cooled in the sea. It's time to rediscover something new, re-experience or lose yourself for a moment. We will share only a small part with you summer events and hinted at some addresses for carefree holidays – and you can find even more of them on our website citymagazine.si! The next regular issue of City Magazine comes out on September 1st. Until then enjoy the endless summer!

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