
19 "boring" moments in relationships that actually show that your love is still strong!

When you've been together for a long time, love hides in ordinary moments. But that just means it got deeper.

Infatuation slowly disappears and love begins to appear in different forms. Believe it or not, it hides in simple "boring" moments. And which ones are they?

They advise each other on work matters. You review an important e-mail before sending it to your superior, or read a letter because you want your partner to succeed in business. Maybe "boring" for some, but all this is done with love.

They choose the furniture together. They plan to buy a wardrobe this weekend and go to six stores to make sure they find the best version.

Together they decide which color to paint the walls with. They examine all possible shades. At the same time, they have endless fun. After two hours, they are "dying" from laughing, because they don't even know which color is which anymore, because they are all the same.

Together they decide what color to paint the walls with.
Together they decide which color to paint the walls with.

They shop for plants together. Do you want something different, exotic, hibiscus or lavender? You never thought you'd spend an entire afternoon with your partner in the plant department.

They are watching their favorite TV show together. It's not my show, yours, it's our show.

They spend evenings with each other. They enjoy a hug at home and not somewhere, in a dimly lit bar, where they have to shout at each other to even hear each other.

They drop the winds in front of each other. More weird than boring, but that means a certain level of satisfaction. If love is strong, simply let the winds take their course. 🙂

They talk about the book for an hour, an article they both read.

They plan a weekend without cleaning. Saturday is for wandering. Sunday is for dusting. They don't bother with cleanliness.

Divide the tasks. He mops the floor, she irons.

When you're too tired for sex, fall asleep watching a documentary or any other show, without a bad conscience.

They can't decide what to eat.
They can't decide what to eat.

They can't decide what to have for dinner. We think this is where most couples are found, right?

They do not bother if the apartment is not impeccably cleaned, when they receive an unannounced visit.

They care about each other, if one of you gets sick. They make tea. They heat up the soup.

They each have their own time and space. He plays tennis. She goes to Pilates. He spends the weekend with friends. She and her friends at a personal growth workshop.

They shop for clothes together. And then you're waiting in the dressing room when he says he looks terrible and refuses to show himself. As soon as it is shown to you, you honestly say that it looks great. This is Love.

You decide which bed to buy for the dog. They both agree that she needs something comfortable and, of course, something that matches the other furnishings in the apartment.

They agree that the dog bed should match the rest of the furniture.
They agree that the dog bed should match the rest of the furniture.

They are planning a vacation together. He is looking for cheap plane tickets. She books the accommodations. Where, when, where is a joint exploration that leads to an unforgettable journey.

You print photos, to fill those empty picture frames you got from someone as a gift. Who else prints photos? People who love each other and all other family members, children, dog, cat...

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