
19 things we only pretend to love

Honesty is the best way, but sometimes we are so busy showing affection, kindness, courtesy and helpfulness that we are not honest with ourselves and forget about our own happiness and well-being, which we deserve just as much as others. But we can't afford them, because according to Quore's research, in many cases we don't know how to say yes to ourselves and no to others. Read on to find out what we love about it.

Get rid of the habit of constant once nods and agreement with things that are not yours according to god. A recent survey of the website Quora she discovered the very ones, the ones for which we humans work so hard to pretend, that we like them, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Sometimes we go so far that we begin to believe ourselves that we love them. But basically only we spread 'lies', to feed the expectations of others and we water generally accepted social norms.


A famous scene before you go sightseeing.
A famous scene before you go sightseeing.

Of course sightseeing is great, but before we get to the crime scene we go through the 'Way of the Cross': packing, reservations, transportation, worries, documents, etc.

Partying in a nightclub

Uncomfortable clothes, hours in front of the mirror, drinks as expensive as saffron, crowds, you swallow everything just to be noticed. No thanks.

First meeting with her/his family

The movie "Meet the Parents" is the best proof.
The movie "Meet the Parents" is the best proof.

Not that you have problems communicating with people you've just met, but it's hard to shake the feeling that her/his relatives are constantly judging you as if you're competing in figure skating and pirouettes your words or. actions.


Today, every second person runs, and it seems that everyone likes this type of recreation, but believe me, you are not the only one who has more than enough to wear sneakers.

Admiring abstract art

Hmmmm... just what is hidden behind this picture?
Hmmmm... just what is hidden behind this picture?

These kinds of works of art are open to different interpretations, but how many times have you actually contemplated them and gotten something more out of them?

Family anniversaries

They may be fun for the first half hour, but the fun is quickly ruined by once-in-a-hundred-years questions and phrases from relatives like “What are you doing for a living?” and “Wow, how have you grown since we last saw each other.”

Green juices

Green, I love you green.
Green, I love you green.

You're probably green with envy when you see someone who, unlike you, has managed to escape the trend that sips 'sheep' like a black hole on the wings of health.


Christmas Eve itself is wonderful, but what happens when the month of worries, the month of abnormal spending and the month that is called happy December, but is anything but that, drags behind it.


There are probably not a few of us who have bookmarks full of cooking recipes on our computer, but when we get home from work, this varied list shrinks to pasta and sauce. Because who has all that time to cook?

Cooking for others

Every meal is great for your guest. Is it true?
Every meal is great for your guest. Is it true?

Even though you've done your best and prepared a meal that will have your guests licking their fingers and 'jumping', you'll always have the thought that maybe they're not praising the food just out of politeness.

READ MORE: 7 Misconceptions We Take for Facts

Watching a content program instead of a reality show

Sure, you love a good documentary, but this one is no match for a reality show. But appearances must be maintained.

Reading "cheesy" books

Reading a really thick book is intellectual sadomasochism. All so that you appear to be an intellectual in society and that you can be included among people who are only so on the outside. Don't judge a book by its cover because others haven't actually read it.


There is always only one person in a yoga class who is not in their element. You.
There is always only one person in a yoga class who is not in their element. You.

All good things about yoga, but during a yoga class, you are always the only one who hasn't fallen behind and the only one who doesn't know exactly what the instructor is asking you to do. In reality, most are in the same situation, you just judge yourself too harshly.

Proximity to a friend's children

They say it's cute when the kids in the company hang on to you, tugging on your sleeve while you're talking. Well, not really. Let's call bob bob!

Shots of tequila

Point, point on the counter, tell me which one is the most beautiful in the club right now.
Point, point on the counter, tell me which one is the most beautiful in the club right now.

Tequila, lemon, salt and grimace. Universal formula, but if you could drop the fourth ingredient, it would be much more runny.


It's the alpha and omega of a successful company, but when you think back to high school, teamwork doesn't have a very positive connotation. There was always someone who pulled the wagon and did most of the work. And who is that? Yes you, of course!

Joy at the success of others

There's no better news than a friend getting a raise, moving into their dream house, and getting engaged while your life is one big mess. Of course you are happy for him. 'Of course'.

A friend's clothes

"Oooh, what an ugly shirt" says our mind, "Oooh, what a beautiful shirt" our mouth says.
"Oooh, what an ugly shirt" says our mind, "Oooh, what a beautiful shirt" our mouth says.

How nice it would be if you could give your friend an honest opinion and say that the shirt is awful and you wouldn't wear it yourself even if they paid you. In fact, they are leaving the store together with this same shirt. Because it 'fits' him like a glove.

Honesty to you

If that's not irony. While we wish we could be honest ourselves, we hate it when someone is honest with us and shoves the truth in our face. Because it hurts and nobody likes pain.

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