
#191 - City Magazine - TEN Years

Time is spinning, at least that's how the hands on the clock show, and we have also "turned back" the years, the first decade. For the first time, our urine pointers turned ten years ago, on Monday, October 25, when you could find and flip through the urban freebie City Magazine for the first time in your city. During this time, s(m)o prepared more than 190 issues and printed 7,600 pages of content in more than 13,300,000 copies.

By the way, counting and counting years are not my favorite thing, but this could be it a day to celebrate. Looking back, we can be proud of a mosaic of work, who brought us to the number ten. It all looks like you are stacking small cubes, day after day, year after year... and when you put the last one on top, you hope it doesn't topple the whole castle. And when in the end you realize that this fortress has stood, you are overwhelmed by a feeling of happiness, which is ruled by good will and the desire that this moment would not end, when you think again about the future, about obligations, about the things that will make you again raised to an even higher point.

#190 - City Magazine - City and its TEN by City Magazine

A counting of years in creating and building a vision, such as our medium, is not always so pleasant, but it is necessary to look to the future with a good measure of optimism. Life will always be composed in its own way, of bad and good moments, and when, at least that's what I do, I can't remember those beautiful things that just flew past me, that's when I like to sit on the couch with a cup of tea and I read magazines backwards. Stormy moments, successful projects, the journey that has led me to this day, friendships made, socializing, places and events visited... all this gives me a strong a sense of belonging, which brings back everything beautiful, and leaves the unpleasant things unimportant in the past. Anyway, it's time for celebration and spontaneous celebration, all these years that s(m) have been with you, s(m) have always tried to spoil you with something new. The image took on a new guise every now and then, they tried not to bore you with various events and get-togethers, spoiled you with prize games, took you to a concert or the cinema, educated you, informed you, reminded you, recommended you , excited... we will, of course, continue all this in our new decade. We will still be curious, what's new in town, where is yours hiding favorite bar, what is yours favorite destination, what they are your stories, your free time and yours hidden city corners ... So also in this edition, which you have in front of you, we reveal hints and trends so that you will together with us, unique and independent.

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.