
#197 - City Magazine - Fashion

Is my world a bathroom or what are all these people whose sound echoes in it? When I look at how the grass is already growing and green, my memories take me back to the past, when on the way home from school I secretly watched people doing the first spring chores, taking time to admire the rainbow in the sky, some of them sitting in the grass and read books, all of which seemed calm, without a dramatic rise

The manner of my observation was also calm, but a lot of attention is in my, almost too thinking, head attracted by the details. My eye perceived something more in all the participants of that moment. My eye perceived commitment, freedom, excitement, heartbeat, contentment, joy, optimism. The moment was like an inspiration to the poet who just writes his first poem, which will one day be part of a world-famous poetry collection. He was like the strength of a builder who methodically, gradually he is building his house, until it is so big that it blocks the sun. It was like the first sentence that slipped from the writer's pen, who will write his first book. It was like the first car that my hands took the steering wheel of. It was a beautiful landscape that caught my eye. She was spring, just like every year when the time comes for it. And when it comes to relaxation techniques, we almost almost clichély outline exactly this one season, whose "mood" takes us to a place that is always green, sprinkled with flowers, with a small stream and chirping birds, my hidden world looks a bit different. "For what?" I almost always ask myself. "Why don't I at least belong to the other half, whose meditation space they represent the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea, coconut and palm trees that cool the excessive heat?” I ponder in amazement. "Why is my first thing when I think of a mental retreat, bathroom?” Maybe I'm really funny and not quite a typical representative of this kind meditative and relaxation methods, and they would also look at me in amazement if I played the sounds from the bathroom while resting in the office. On the Internet, you can find all kinds of music and sound backgrounds for putting puppies, kittens, parrots, and babies to sleep, as well as anti-stress, work-oriented, stimulating, relaxing music methods that call up your inner world and fill you with new energy. Hey, but where is the sound and picture of the bathroom? And again I have to use my imagination to turn off the din, the speed, the radio, the sound of keys and the rustle of papers, the phrase “Helena, could you please …” etc. for a minute or two. "And what is so special about my bathroom that it is such, almost excessive, a source of my inspiration?" My answer can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be: I find my peace in the bathroom. There is no phone there, no one enters there, no one disturbs me there. I can be there for an hour or two, there is "silence", there is only the sound of people, which flows through the pipes. "But what are these people?" My inspiration, my meditative music, my laughter, my world. Bathroom conversations they are always mysterious, the singing in the shower is always announced, the crying always subsides in the bathroom, the laughter is always joyful, the sound of the neighbor's washing machine is soothing, and the water running through the pipes is like a stream gurgling in the distance. That's it, in mine the bathroom it always smells very nice ☺ ... and we will inspire you in the new magazine with fashion tips, village urged to buy a new car and tasted for you sweet life.

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