
2 new Harry Potter books will be published this year

The Bloomsbury publishing house announced that on the 20th anniversary of the publication of the first book in the series, two new Harry Potter books will be published this year.

To celebrate properly 20 years, since the book was published Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), will be released this October two new books, who will accompany Harry Potter exhibition in the British Library in London.

Visit the world of wizards and witches.
Visit the world of wizards and witches.

It's about books Harry Potter: A History of Magic, The Book of the Exhibition and Harry Potter, A Journey Through a History of Magic. The first is dedicated to the subjects taught at Warthogs, and the second takes the reader on a journey throughout Harry's history, spells, magical creatures, wizards and witches.
The books are unfortunately not new books dedicated to the stories of Harry and the original characters, but they are certainly worth our time. Well, at least the time of those who like to immerse themselves in the world of magic.

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