Stan Lee once said that he was ashamed that he was just an ordinary comic book creator while other people were building bridges and being successful in medicine. Then he realized that entertainment is one of the most important things in a person's life. Without it, we are on the verge of collapse. "If you can entertain people, you are doing a good thing."
On November 12, the world was overwhelmed by sad news – the most famous and successful creator of comics Stan Lee has gone to another world. Fans science fiction, wonder worlds and mighty heroes have 'lost the author', who created the most famous characters of all time, such as Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, Black Panther and many others. His legacy is so rich that future generations will also be able to enjoy its wonderful world.
There are enthusiasts from all over the world in memory of Lee, they prepared illustrations to express their condolences, Hollywood stars like have also expressed their condolences Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. How powerful are these illustrations, see for yourself in the gallery.
Picture Gallery - Illustrations in memory of Stan Lee