
20th International Festival of Computer Art

This year MKC Maribor is preparing the 20th International Festival of Computer Art, which will be held between September 25 and 27.

Important information
In different locations, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee

20th International Festival of Computer Art this year he is preparing a very special varied program on the central theme of presenting the development of electronic and synthesizer music.

Med September 25 and 27 will be MFRU held at various hyper-locations in Maribor, among others in Kinu Udarnik, on Vetrinjsk dvor, on location GT22 and in the gallery Media Nox.

This year's program also offers many prominent names in the field of computer art, among others, who will perform at the festival Miha Kralj, a pioneer of sound synthesizers and electronic music in Slovenia and the former Yugoslavia, which will be held on Friday September 26 in Kino Udarnik performed his legendary album live after more than twenty years Andromeda.

The French audio-visual duo will also perform Nonotak (at the opening of the festival on Thursday), Primož Oberžan (group founder The Machine) and interdisciplinary artist Baran Gülesen.

In addition to numerous workshops, performances and exhibitions, the festival will also include a symposium with some representatives of theory in the field of intermedia arts, including a philosopher and publicist dr. Janez Strehovec and curators, selectors and organizers of past MFRU festivals.

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