
20. Nicholas' charity concert

20. You can watch the Michaelmas charity concert on Saturday, December 1, at 8 p.m. on the 1st program of TV Slovenija. You can watch the repeat of the concert on the 2nd program of TV Slovenija on December 4. As part of the concert, funds will also be collected for primary school children from the social...

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20. Nicholas' charity concert can be viewed in Saturday, December 1, at 8 p.m. on the 1st program of TV Slovenia. You can watch the repeat of the concert on the 2nd program of TV Slovenija on December 4.

As part of the concert, funds intended for elementary school students from socially weak families from all over Slovenia will be collected, which are intended for their extracurricular activities, school excursions or trips, and learning aids.

Many renowned Slovenian music and dance artists will also contribute to the noble cause. On the first evening of December, you will be able to enjoy the performances Eroike, Nana Milčinski, Ana Soklič, Rosana Hribar and Gregorja Luštek, Mojca Zlobka Vajgl, Helene Blagna, Bernarda Bobra and Martin Sušnik, Alenka Godec, Jure Godler and Tilno Artač and many others, who will perform accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia.

We also invite you to make a hearty donation during the concert broadcast. Before or after the concert, you can also donate by transfer to a transaction account SI56 0201 0009 2221 746, opened at NLB, with a reference SI00 20125, or by sending an SMS MICHAEL 5 on 1919, with which you donate 5 euros to help elementary school students.


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