
20 morning habits for a good start to the day

The phrase "good morning" can be a bit contradictory at the moment when the annoying alarm clock starts ringing loudly, but the very morning is the foundation of our day, so it is best to start it off right from the beginning, when we get out of bed with the right foot . Here are some tips for a good day that should get under our skin.

Although the day doesn't always end the way we'd like, we can still do something to start it off on a good note. That is why we have prepared for you 20 morning habits for a good day, which we can start already tomorrow.

1. We wake up early or at least a little earlier than usual. This will give us more motivation
2. Let's take the time to get ready and put on clothes that will make us feel good all day.
3. Let's start with a short workout in the morning, even if it's just some stretching exercises.
4. Treat yourself to a hot (or, if desired, cold) shower.
5. Let's listen to a playlist of music that will get us going.
6. Let's take time for our beauty routine.
7. Let's not forget a good breakfast!

Breakfast in the morning should not be skipped.
Breakfast in the morning should not be skipped.

8. Let's start the day with the most difficult things that we have to do, so that the most difficult or worst will be behind us as soon as possible and we can be more relaxed.
9. Let's solve a crossword, sudoku or other mental game to train our brains.
10. When the alarm clock rings, it means that we have to get up, so don't delay and press the snooze.
11. Don't eat too much in the evening to feel good in the morning.
12. Let's try to be 5 minutes ahead of our scheduled time, in case something disrupts our routine.

Let's try to wake up early.
Let's try to wake up early.

13. Let's remember the goals we want to achieve today and how we want our day to unfold.
14. We prefer to have coffee or tea at least one hour after getting out of bed.
15. Before we leave home, we check our messages again so that we can plan our day accordingly.
16. Make sure to drink at least a glass or two of water first thing in the morning.
17. Let's not forget to start the day with a smile.
18. Let's at least try to stick to our routine even during the weekends so that Mondays are not too annoying.
19. Let's read or watch something that inspires us.
20. Let's go out and start enjoying the day.

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