
20 of the most interesting restaurant and bar interior designs around the world

Good interior design can do the same for a restaurant or bar as great food and drink.

20 of the best and the world's most imaginative restaurant and bar interior designs. Most of them have also received awards for their outstanding interiors.

Bicycle Bar, Bucharest, Romania / Simple can also be extremely cute.
Bicycle Bar, Bucharest, Romania / Simple can also be extremely cute.
Creating interior design is anything but easy, as there are many factors to consider. What will be the style of your restaurant or bar? How can we imagine such a beautiful and decorative interior, which is even possible in such a space, without disturbing the workflow of your staff? Will safety regulations even allow such magnificent designs to take shape? When we think about how much effort is actually put into the interior design of the bar to make it shine in all its perfection, we gain a lot of respect for everyone who meticulously designed every detail of these beautiful spaces.

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