
20+ photos that show the other side of the protests in the USA that the "mainstream" media does not want to share

Protests erupted across the United States over the death of George Floyd. Curfews are being imposed in cities, and the state has already activated members of the National Guard to calm down the protesters. However, they continue to express their pain and anger at this event (and unfortunately many similar ones) with chants, banners and outbursts of violence.

And while it raises many questions, such as what will happen to the police officer involved in the incident, one thing is certain: demands for justice and an end to brutal police violence against African-Americans have united the entire country, and people of all backgrounds are kneeling today.

Based on witnesses, videos and official statements, the following is currently known about the death of George Floyd.

It all started with the application of a counterfeit $20 bill. The report came to the police on the evening of May 25, when George Floyd bought a pack of cigarettes in a store. Employees at the store believed the money Floyd used to pay was fake, so they reported it to the police.

George Floyd lived in Minneapolis for many years. Until recently, he worked as a security guard, but due to the new coronavirus pandemic, he was out of a job. Floyd was a regular customer at the Cup Foods store where he tried to buy cigarettes. Mike Abumayyaleh, the store's owner, told NBC that Mr. Floyd was a friendly and pleasant customer who never caused any trouble. But Abumayyaleh was unfortunately not working on the fateful day.

They arrived at the scene at 20:08 two policemen, Floyd was sitting in a car parked around the corner with two other people. As the two officers approached them, one, Thomas Lane, pulled out a gun and ordered Floyd to show his hands. In the incident report, prosecutors did not explain why Lane thought a gun was necessary. According to prosecutors, Lane "put his hands on Floyd and pulled him out of the car". Flody then began to resist arrest.

After being handcuffed, Floyd relented and Lane explained to him that he had been arrested for "counterfeiting money". But when the two officers tried to get Floyd into the car, a fight broke out.

Around 20:14 it's Floyd "became numb, fell to the ground and told the police that he was claustrophobic".

He arrived at the scene Chauvin. He and other officers were involved in further attempts to get Floyd into the car.

Chauvin then pulled Floyd from the passenger side at 8:19 p.m., causing him to fall to the ground. When he was lying on the ground, face down and handcuffed, the witnesses began filming the incident. It seemed to be in distress. These moments, captured on numerous mobile devices and shared thousands of times on social networks, were Floyd's last.

As the officers restrained Floyd, Chauvin resting his left knee between Floyd's neck and head. "I can not breathe," repeated Floyd and "please, please, please." Chauvin did not withdraw his knee 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

After about 6 minutes, Floyd became unresponsive. That's when he fell silent and bystanders asked the officers to check his pulse. One of the cops, JA Kueng, did exactly that and said that Mr "cannot find". But the police did not move.

At 8:27 p.m., Chauvin pulled his knee from Floyd's neck. He was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead about an hour later. On Friday, the district attorney charged Chauvin with third degree murder and second degree murder. Bail was set at $500,000.

Floyd's family and their attorney, Benjamin Crump, are upset that Chauvin was not charged with a more serious crime. "We expected a charge of first degree murder. We want a charge of first degree murder. We want to see the other police officers arrested," Crump and family said in a statement. "We call on the authorities to revise the charges to reflect the true guilt of this officer."

If charged with third-degree murder and second-degree murder, Chauvin would face 25 years in prison on the first charge and 10 on the second.

Campaign GoFoundMe, dedicated to George Floyd, has already collected more than 8 million dollars. George's brother, Philonise, has organized a fundraiser called the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund. According to the page's description, the funds will be used to cover funeral costs, bereavement counseling and all court costs.

What is happening in the US right now?

In addition to the photos that flood the Internet and where people show their violent nature, there are also videos that show another reality, something that maybe the "mainstream" media in the US is not interested in showing.

A group of black people protect a police officer who has separated from his colleagues

Photo: Reddit (u/impunto)
Photo: Reddit (u/impunto)

A veteran protests his government after fighting for it

Photo: Reddit (u/MaximumPollution)
Photo: Reddit (u/MaximumPollution)

Police demonstrate and try to show they hear and understand people's frustrations (Portland, Oregon)

Photo: Reddit (u/Yellownmbr5)
Photo: Reddit (u/Yellownmbr5)

A protester and a police officer in Fargo - that's solidarity!

Photo: Reddit (u/11schlge)
Photo: Reddit (u/11schlge)

We are strong together

Photo: Reddit (u/Kriendeau51)
Photo: Reddit (u/Kriendeau51)

Outdoors in Raleigh

Photo: Reddit (u/Porodicnostablo)
Photo: Reddit (u/Porodicnostablo)

Freedom in Philadelphia

Photo: Reddit (u/Sarahkm90)
Photo: Reddit (u/Sarahkm90)

An emotional moment between a police officer and a protester

Emotional moment between an Officer and Protester from r/MadeMeSmile

It's not "white vs. black", "rich vs. poor", "police vs. citizens"... it's "everyone vs. racists".

Photo: Reddit (u/Riley_Cubs)
Photo: Reddit (u/Riley_Cubs)

Help with cleaning

Photo: Twitter (@lolwtfnotmonica)
Photo: Twitter (@lolwtfnotmonica)

"My 6-year-old daughter saw what was happening on TV. We explained to her what happened with George Floyd and she was shocked. Today she made her banner and her peaceful protest in our yard. I am so proud.”

Photo: Reddit (u/Felix)
Photo: Reddit (u/Felix)

“This man has been standing alone in our square for the past few days. God bless his courage.”

Photo: Reddit (u/Manualham)
Photo: Reddit (u/Manualham)

A police officer knelt with protesters during a demonstration in Santa Cruz

Photo: Reddit (u/logibones)
Photo: Reddit (u/logibones)

Police in Kansas joined local protests

Photo: Twitter (@dyllyp)
Photo: Twitter (@dyllyp)

Danish protest for George Floyd - 10,000 people march peacefully through Copenhagen

Photo: Reddit (u/AppleWithAWormInIt)
Photo: Reddit (u/AppleWithAWormInIt)

Food and drink for protesters

Photo: Reddit (u/SplungerPlunger)
Photo: Reddit (u/SplungerPlunger)

Protesters in front of the US embassy in Berlin

Photo: Reddit (u/MrFlow)
Photo: Reddit (u/MrFlow)

Police officers in Muskegon are thus expressing their support for the protesters in front of the courthouse

Photo: Reddit (u/MindyS1719)
Photo: Reddit (u/MindyS1719)

A group of people who form a "human barricade" and guard the store to prevent vandalism and theft

Photo: Reddit (u/zia1997)
Photo: Reddit (u/zia1997)

Miami police officers knelt with protesters

Photo: Reddit (u/Tmfwang)
Photo: Reddit (u/Tmfwang)

Lawyers offer "pro bono" services for arrested protesters

Photo: Twitter (@roywoodjr)
Photo: Twitter (@roywoodjr)

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