Photo: Pexels / Cottonbro

20 questions to ask your crush on a first date

Find out more about your crush with fun questions!

Do you ever sit across from your crush, your heart racing and your brain overheating because you don't know what to ask? No worries! We have compiled a list of the best questions that will not only reveal more about your crush, but also create a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Whether it's a first date or a long-standing friendship, these questions are sure to spark the sparks

Have you ever been on a date where the conversation got stuck in the endlessly revolving around the same topics? It's perfectly normal to look for ways to get to know our crush better without feeling awkward or forced. Fortunately, there are questions that can make for interesting and fun conversations and give you insight into your crush's personality and interests. With the questions below, you can easily create a pleasant atmosphere while avoiding boring topics. Get ready for laughs, surprises, and maybe even some sparkles!

  1. What song always puts you in a good mood? Music is the mirror of the soul. Discovering your crush's favorite song can reveal what he/she tastes like and what makes him/her feel good.
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? This question will reveal his/her adventurous spirit and dreams of travel. You may find that they share the same destination on their wish list.
  3. Which book or movie inspired you the most? Literary and film preferences can say a lot about an individual's personality and values. It's also a great way to start deep conversations.
  4. If you had a superpower, what would it be and why? You can learn more about your crush's secret desires and fantasies with this question. Is he more of a hero/heroine or a villain/villain?
  5. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten? A fun question that can spark laughs and interesting stories. You may learn about exotic dishes or unusual culinary experiences.
  6. What is your greatest secret passion or hobby? Maybe your crush loves something they've never shared with others. This question can reveal hidden talents and interests.
  7. What is your favorite childhood memory? This question will bring back fond memories and give you a glimpse into your crush's childhood.
  8. If you could spend a day with one famous person, who would it be and why? Is your crush a fan of a famous singer, actor or scientist? This question will let you know quickly.
  9. What makes you the happiest? A simple way to discover what really makes your crush happy and inspired.
  10. If you had to describe your perfect day, what would it look like? With this question, you can discover what your crush really values and how he imagines complete relaxation.
  11. What is your favorite thing about your job/studio? Talking about day-to-day activities can open the door to a deeper insight into your crush's life and passions.
  12. What three words best describe you? A quick and concise question that will reveal how your crush sees himself.
  13. What is your favorite season and why? Seasons often have strong associations with fond memories and activities.
  14. What is your greatest ambition in life? A great way to discover your crush's life goals and dreams.
  15. If you could be any character from history, who would it be and why? An interesting question that can reveal an interest in history and personal ideals.
  16. What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone else? This question will let you know your crush's empathy and generosity.
  17. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? Animal lovers will be happy with this question as they can share their love for animals.
  18. What makes you smile the most? Laughter is the best way to bond. This question will help you find out what really turns your crush on.
  19. What is the most daring thing you have ever done? Bring out the adventurous side of your crush with this more daring question.
  20. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? This question opens up dreams of an ideal living environment and desires for change.
Photo: Pexels / Cottonbro


Regardless of which question you choose, the key is to listen and engage in the conversation. Honesty and interest in the answers will surely charm your crush. Let the conversation begin and let the sparks begin!

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