
20 signs that an extremely important person has entered your life

Photo: IG @humanlovers

The meeting of twin souls is like an existential earthquake: you can suddenly feel that an extremely important person has entered your life.

All of a sudden you get an overwhelming feeling that your life is about to change and you know intuitively that the change will be big, bigger than you have ever experienced and beautiful in all its grandeur.

We can all receive this blessing, even if we do not always recognize it on a conscious level. Therefore, it is important to recognize some of the main signs that a twin soul has entered our life.

20 main signs that an extremely important person has entered our life

People do not always pay attention to the appearance of these persons. Maybe our heart is broken, maybe we are broken with grief, overwhelmed, or just plain tired and frustrated. In fact, we may have already encountered them, but we may have overlooked them in some way or simply taken them for granted.

No matter what emotional or psychological stage you're at in life, it's always helpful to be aware of and get to know the people you live with. The following signs can help you open up new avenues and opportunities to team up!

1. When you meet a person, you feel a strange, inexplicable feeling of "recognizability". This can manifest as deja vu, or a lingering feeling that you know the person from before.

2. You have the feeling that they will play a very important role in your development, without knowing when, why and how.

3. You've established an instant, intense relationship that's both empowering and shocking.

4. It seems to you that you have finally found "home" or a safe haven with this person.

5. You feel you can be authentic with them – without fear of rejection or judgment.

6. They both embody yin and yang, in other words, your dark side is balanced by their light side and vice versa.

7. With them, you feel that you are bigger than yourself, than your identity.

8. They make you a better person and you them.

9. When you are together, you are bound but free. In other words – you still maintain your freedom even if you are in a relationship with them.

10. You are precisely attuned to their energy and they are to yours. This means that both are well aware of the current play of energy present in the relationship. So, you are very fond of each other.

11. It feels like you've been waiting your whole life for this person.

12. You are both deeply connected and are a reflection of each other's values and aspirations in life.

13. They reflect what you fear and desire most. For example, if you are a very tense person, this person will most likely be very relaxed. If you see yourself as a victim, this person will be a strong character who will not feel sorry for you. In this way, they challenge and anger us, but also teach us important lessons about our fears, deep wounds and repressions.

14. No matter how many times you leave that person, you are always drawn back to them.

15. One of you is more mature and often serves as a teacher or counselor in relationships.

16. You learn important life lessons such as forgiveness, gratitude and compassion.

17. Your relationship has many faces. In other words, this person is probably your best friend, lover, teacher, and partner all at once.

18. This person is not trying to change you. He accepts you as you are.

19. You can be completely honest with each other.

20. You both feel directed towards a higher purpose, either spiritual or social.

These people can be our lovers, sisters, brothers, friends, relatives or even mothers and fathers. For some, they appear at the right time, and for others in slightly more complicated ways.

In any case, remember that it is quite possible to be a perfect person if you put enough effort into yourself. Remember that these people do not make you "perfect" because you are already "perfect", but you help in growth.

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