
20 signs that he really, really likes you, even if he doesn't want you to see it

How to know if he likes you? If you want to be 100% sure, remember the following 20 small signs that show that you are more than just his friend.

Of course, he thinks the most important thing is that others think so "cool" and that he doesn't show his emotions to you, but his unconscious need to give you his attention and protect you is telling more than a thousand words. We reveal to you 20 tiny characters, which prove that you are true to him something more than just a friend...

He asks you a lot

He asks you a lot.
He asks you a lot.

He's obviously interested in you and wants to extend your conversation as long as he can. But remember that every question is not a sign that he likes you - some questions are practical or polite phrases like "Where are you from?".

He leans towards you

When you tell him something, leans towards you, even though he can hear you very well. This way, you can easily find out how much effort he puts into your conversation.

Approaches you (and not you approach him)

If he comes up to you in a club, he likes you - or he likes your friend. But this is easy to distinguish: if it doesn't come naturally to you, then you're the lucky one!

He behaves differently when he's around you

He behaves differently when he's around you.
He behaves differently when he's around you.

Guys react differently to stress, but they usually behave a little differently than usual - some talk more, others keep quiet, others try to be "cool". If you see, yes acts "strangely" or that something is not like him, it's possible that he likes you, but he doesn't know how to show it to you.

He completely ignores you

The interpretation of such behavior is very risky. Maybe he's ignoring you because he doesn't even remotely like you, but some guys treat a girl he likes like he's not interested in you at all: maybe he's ignoring you when you're with a lot of people, but when they are alone, he suddenly "speaks".

He turns his body towards you

He wants to see you better. If he doesn't want to show you that he likes you, this gesture will expose him.

He brings you a drink

He brings you a drink.
He brings you a drink.

In some cultures, it's almost mandatory for a man to bring a woman a drink, but if he insists on bringing you something to drink, he's either a rare gentleman or he likes you. Observe whether he behaves the same towards everyone or only towards you, and it will be clear to you immediately.

He asks for your phone number

He obviously likes you. Unless he needs you for something… like hooking up with someone else he likes through you. But its purpose is not difficult to understand.

He added you on FB

Simple - guys don't send friend requests to girls who aren't their friends, relatives, or someone they don't like. A more obvious sign is if, for example, likes your picture.

He tried to kiss you

He tried to kiss you.
He tried to kiss you.

No explanation needed. Unless he was so drunk his legs could barely hold him up.

He doesn't look you in the eye

He knows where your eyes are, but if he can't take his eyes off your chest, don't immediately think that you'd like to slap him. If it measures you, you don't need additional signs, who will tell you that he likes you.

He asks you if you have a boyfriend

A guy rarely asks this question out of hand. If he asks you directly, evaluates what possibilities he has with you.

He's smiling at you

He's smiling at you.
He's smiling at you.

Boys laugh often and like to laugh. If he laughs at you, it doesn't necessarily mean he likes you, but you caught his attention.

He agrees with you

If he agrees with you, he does bored to death or he has no opinion of his own - or he just likes you.

He is angry if…

you talk to other guys or laugh at their jokes. You can see on his face that he is a little bit jealous: maybe he sighs a little or frowns a little. That is sure sign that he likes you.

Remember your name

Remember your name.
Remember your name.

Let's be honest: if he's having trouble remembering your name since you first met, you haven't impressed him. If he likes you, he does definitely tried to remember your name.

Nate wants to impress

If he brags with his job, skills, money, sports achievements, clothes, status... he obviously wants to impress you. If he does it discreetly and politely, he might be worth keeping. But if he's loud, rude, and at the same time not the least bit funny, then think about whether you really want to become one one of his trophies, which will eventually be replaced by a "new" model.

He remembers the details

If you met once or only a few times, but he remembered some detail from your conversation at that time, this is not without significance. If he likes you, he listens more carefully to what you say, because maybe he wants to understand some deeper meaning from your words.

It touches you

He tries to touch you even if it's not necessary. He wants to emphasize something, and he does so touch your hand, or tries to to move a strand of hair from your face, you accidentally touches with his knee … All these are those “tiny signs” …

The most obvious: He's telling you he likes you

He tells you he likes you.
He tells you he likes you.

If he tells you he likes you, he's probably telling the truth. The only question is whether he only wants to spend one hot night with you or perceives you as a girl with whom he wants to have a serious relationship. And that's the most important thing you need to find out.

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