
20 Virtues and Flaws of a Beta Male: This Is The Man You Can Marry!

Are you an alpha, beta, gamma or omega male?!

Being always first and on top is not the most important thing. Being a beta male has distinct advantages!

There are four personality types of men: alpha, beta, gamma and omega. This time we will look at the pros and cons of beta males.

The definition of a beta male is an extremely cautious person who avoids risk and confrontation. He lacks the physical presence, charisma and confidence of an alpha male.

9 Disadvantages of the Beta Male

1. Alpha women see you as nice men

For as long as you can remember, people have called you a nice guy. In fact, you are probably the nicest person in their life. You would assume that this is a good thing, but not in today's society.


The problem is that you are too nice. Yes, you heard that right. You're just not tough enough. You don't challenge women or inspire them to fight for you. They see you as a safety net. They consider you weak and sensitive. In this way, you are indirectly telling others that they should take advantage of you. You are sending a message that you will not fight back no matter what they do to you.

2. Helpfulness is in your blood

Being helpful to people is much more than just being nice. It means that you are willing to ignore your own needs and desires in order to make others happy. You are not only like this to your loved ones, but to your colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers.

You are constantly apologizing for things that are not your fault; so you always feel responsible for everything that goes wrong and never blame others for their mistakes. The problem is that you don't have the power to say no. When someone asks you for a favor, you'll go out of your way to do it, even if you're busy, tired, or just don't want to.

You act like you agree with everyone so as not to hurt their feelings. Also, if someone harms you, you will accept their horrible behavior without pointing it out to them. Most people around you will applaud you for this quality. They will praise you for allowing them to treat you as they wish.

Those who truly love you will tell you the harsh truth - no one will appreciate or respect you if you are a people pleaser.

3. Low self-esteem

You do not believe in your abilities and capabilities. Instead, you constantly compare yourself to others and always come to the same old conclusion - you are worse than everyone else. When you stand next to any other man, you focus on his qualities while you focus on your flaws. You relate to the fact that he is more handsome or more intelligent. You won't say it out loud, but others around you notice how you feel. You're sending out an insecure vibe that can't be hidden no matter how hard you try.

Of course, there is no theoretical way that all these men could be better than you. Ultimately, that's not the question. The question is, are you sure they are better than you. This is especially problematic when it comes to approaching the opposite sex.

No matter how successful and beautiful you are, you are not aware of your own worth. You are sure that everyone is staring at you and looking at your flaws. The bottom line is that you don't love each other the way you should.

4. No self-improvement

No matter how confident he is: an alpha male always thinks he can do better. Instead of comparing himself to others, he strives to beat the man he once was because he believes that man is his only real competition. He has a goal: to be better today than he was yesterday. He is focused on self-improvement and his life is always moving forward. This is one of the main differences between alpha and beta males.

You are stuck in your comfort zone, and you don't have the courage to escape it. If you are honest, you will say that you are anything but satisfied with your life. You're not happy with your career, you're hoping for a better love life, you're not crazy about your personality traits, and there are probably some habits you want to change.

There is nothing strange about this - we all have some things about ourselves that we want to change. But the point is to do nothing about it. Perhaps you dream of success. But don't go for it. You have accepted your life as it is and you have not moved from a standstill through life. You are so afraid of failure that you set low-effort goals that make disappointments impossible.

You are too afraid of change. You are scared, you don't dare to take risks and you don't have the determination necessary for self-improvement. You don't take life into your own hands. Instead, you act as if someone is going to show up on your doorstep with a magic wand and finally get you moving. But that won't happen. You are the creator of your own destiny and it's time to come to terms with that fact.

You are the creator of your destiny!

5. Fear of confrontation

When was the last time you had a real fight with someone? When was the last time you spoke up and raised your voice about things you weren't happy with? You can't remember because it probably never happened.

You need to learn how to stand up for yourself if you want to earn respect and appreciation. This doesn't mean you have to be loud or aggressive to prove your point. You are an adult who must be able to deal with those who harm you. It doesn't matter if it's your boss, your parents or your wife. There is no point in nodding your head to whatever people tell you and agreeing to do whatever they ask of you.

Besides making you look bad, this kind of behavior will also cause you a lot of stress. Anger and other negative emotions you feel won't magically disappear just because you didn't express them at the time. Instead, they will accumulate in you over the years. Sooner or later you will "exploded".

6. Don't defend your views

Not advocating one's opinion regarding political views, religious beliefs, or thoughts on a particular social issue. Whenever you are surrounded by people who think differently than you, keep quiet and don't speak your mind. Also, when others fail to change your mind, you will pretend they have. When it comes to defending your position, you feel insecure and assume that you will be foolish to speak your mind.

It's not that you don't believe in your ideas - you're just afraid to talk about them out loud, especially if you don't think anyone will support you. As if you have to convince other people that your opinions are not wrong.

7. Forever in the friend zone

For as long as you can remember, the women you liked only saw you as a friend. You are great at describing on a piece of paper. You are amazing at being their best friend and they can't seem to find fault with you. But you don't attract them.

It has nothing to do with your physical appearance. After all, it's the last thing women fall for. The problem is that you don't have the determination they need. You don't have the guts to state your intentions right from the start.

When you like a woman, you usually approach her as a friend. You think it's an easier way to get close to her and get under her skin. You fear rejection. You're sure that most women wouldn't accept you if you told them directly that you like them, so you pretend to be their friend.

Eventually, you hope she will fall in love with you. You help her heal her broken heart, wipe her tears and whenever she needs you - you are there. You expect her to notice what a wonderful man you are. You sit patiently and wait for her to ditch all the jerks she's been complaining about and realize you're the man of her life. When it doesn't happen, you're disappointed.

It feels like you wasted so much time and energy on something that was doomed from day one. Are you also mad at the woman, how dare she not choose you when you have all the qualities she is looking for? But you did not awaken passion in her and she never saw you as a partner, despite all your amazing qualities.

8. Introverted shy guy

Your social circle is pretty closed. You do not enjoy meeting new people and become anxious around strangers. Simply put, you are a shy man. It's not that you don't want to expand your circle—you're just too scared to do it.

If you could choose between a wild Saturday night at the club or a quiet evening at your best friend's house, you'd always choose the latter. Unlike you, the alpha male can't wait to get into a new crowd. He is so confident that he knows he will steal everyone's attention and be the center of attention. He is not excited about meeting new people - he is overjoyed at the fact that others will have the opportunity to meet him.

9. A follower, not a leader

The first word that comes to mind when you think of an alpha male is the word leader. But when you think of a beta male, a follower. A beta male follows other people's instructions most of the time. Instead of taking responsibility for your life, it puts it in someone else's hands.

Why are you doing this? Simply because it's easier. You were never the captain of your ship - you were always just a member of the crew. Like you don't enjoy being responsible. Or maybe you don't know how to take on this role? You may be a skilled worker, but you prefer someone else to tell you what to do instead of doing it yourself "imposed" your ideas. You are not the type to try hard to become a leader. You are happy to be part of the team.

You spend most of your life in someone else's shadow. You never get the spotlight and your talents cannot be seen because you are too quiet to show them to the rest of the world. Although you are not harming anyone with this behavior, you are harming yourself. A lot of your potential will go untapped because you don't take initiative. You don't need to have a bunch of followers to get started. Instead, become the leader of your life and that will be more than enough.


11 outstanding advantages of beta males

1. Reliability is non-negotiable

A positive feature of beta males is reliability. This is not a strong feature of the stronger sex, so you can only assume how unique you are for having it. Simply put, people trust you. Alphas may have the ability to make women feel physically safe around them, but you provide them with something more important—emotional safety.

When you make a promise, you will do everything in your power to fulfill it. You don't make excuses or excuse your lack of responsibility. People count on you and know that you will show up when they need you. In fact, in most cases, you are the first person they call in an emergency.

You would never betray another person's trust, even if your life depended on it. Feel like a safety net. You are the first person they call when they are in trouble. They expect you to always be there to pull them out of their mess and to be the one to solve their problems. But when they are back in their daily routine, they are nowhere to be found. They don't remember you, they don't even give you a hand when you need it.

2. Loyalty comes first

Loyalty is another amazing trait of beta males. You are loyal to your family, friends, the company you work for, and most importantly, your partner. When you're in a serious relationship, there's nothing that could tempt you to be with another woman.

Installing dating apps, checking out other women, or getting emotional while in a relationship is out of the question. That doesn't mean you can't fall in love with someone else in a relationship. After all, you're only human, made of flesh and blood, and you don't have complete control over your emotions.

But if that happens, if you like the other person, you say so and end the relationship before moving on. You are not one of those men who have a woman as a backup plan and stay in a relationship until they are sure that their new affair will work out.

Your loyalty is a part of you and you wouldn't trade it for anything else. When you care about someone, you would go to the end of the world for them. There is nothing this person could do to make you stop loving them.

3. Consistent and even

You are consistent. You know according to your beliefs and principles. People know what to expect from you.

4. You are not egocentric

Alpha males are mostly egocentric. They think they are god-given creatures whose needs are more important than anyone else's. They are the kings of selfishness. They rarely care about other people's feelings.

A beta male always puts others before himself. You are ready to make incredible sacrifices for your loved ones. Nothing is impossible for you when it comes to their happiness and well-being. Most of the time you completely ignore your own feelings and needs in order to satisfy someone else. This can be devastating to your mental health. The problem is that you prefer all these people to yourself. You seem to have forgotten that you have to put yourself first if you want to achieve true happiness.

5. A mature man

You are quite mature. In your early youth, you always acted older than your years. Your peers considered you too serious for them. As you get older, this turns out to be a huge advantage. Now is the time when all your beta features come into play.

All of a sudden you don't feel like you're weak - you're a grown man who doesn't waste his energy on nonsense. Stop thinking you're not strong enough not to stand your ground all the time - you're an adult who accepts the possibility of compromise. You're not too serious because you don't joke as often as others would expect - now go deeper into your thoughts. They don't accuse you of not being impulsive enough—instead, they appreciate you for being thoughtful and reasonable.

6. Don't be afraid of a serious relationship

You have no problem with commitment. When you start your love story with a woman, you stop playing games. Do your best to make your relationship work. You are not with her until someone better comes along. You don't manipulate her and convince her that you love her just so you can break her heart and consequently repair your deflated ego.

When you're in a relationship, you give yourself from the heart. Go all the way in and don't hold back any part of yourself. The truth is, sometimes you get hurt. But at least you know you did your best.

7. A great listener

This is a quality that everyone around you simply adores. You have this amazing ability that not many men have, the ability to walk in someone else's shoes. In addition, you are incredibly patient and calm. When someone talks to you about their problem, you will not interrupt them and you will transfer the story to your life. You will just sit and listen. You will delve into their problem.

You will advise them only if they ask you, you will not impose your opinion on them. You will not talk about yourself. And their secret is safe with you.

8. You are kind and helpful

You're not just a typical nice guy who pretends to be better than he really is. The fact is that you are a truly kind person with a huge heart. You are human. You are far from perfect. Sometimes you do things you shouldn't and treat some people worse than they deserve. But at the end of the day, you have no bad intentions. You are a loving and caring person who would help a stranger, let alone a loved one.

The problem is that most people think you're a jerk just because you're a good person. You helped them once and suddenly they expect you to always be there for them. Remember, it's up to you to set your own boundaries. Your job is to not let them act like you are their doormat. You show your dignity.

9. You are respectful

No matter what someone does to you, you will never lose respect for them. After all, you are a man with great looks who remains a gentleman to the end. Even when you are in the middle of an argument with someone, you will never insult them or hit them below the belt. No matter what happens, there is a line that you will not cross.

Above all, you know how to treat a lady. You are respectful of the women you meet and your exes, even though you have broken up.

10. Honest and real

There are no lies with you. You may not always speak directly, but you will always tell the truth. In fact, the only lies you will tell are white lies. Sometimes you are not honest enough simply because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings or because you want to protect them from the truth.

Instead of giving someone the red pill, you'll choose the blue one. However, you will never knowingly deceive someone else for your own benefit. It's just not in your blood. You are not one of those men who will lie. People believe you because everything you say is the truth that doesn't need to be verified. Your word carries a certain weight.

11. You are husband material

You are the man every woman wants to grow old with. A man who will bring her much-needed peace and make her feel safe, even in storms and hurricanes.
They fall in love with you for all the things that previously excluded you - accountability, punctuality, consistency and closed-mindedness.

All of a sudden, their dream man is the one who stays up all night and has fun every day. They are tired of constant fights with other women and they are tired of constant breakups. When their biological clock starts ticking, women realize what a wonderful father they would be. After all this time, they see you as the perfect role model for their children and the love of their life.

Although you may fall into a certain category or type of man, remember one thing - you are a unique individual. It's up to you to choose which beta male traits to keep and which to try to change.

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