
21 unusual facts about Scotland

Tonight, Scots decided on their future and voted that Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom. We won't go into details, but we found some interesting facts about Scotland that were much more interesting than the political hype that gathered around the campaign for independence.

Scotland is steeped in history, as people have lived in this area for more than 10 thousand years. She's been through a lot. Usually her future was determined coldly weapons, today it is determined by votes. The eyes of the world public are focused on referendum, which was predicted to have a close result, even like that of the women's downhill from this year's Olympic Games. Battle for votes took place on several fronts, including virtual ones, on social networks, and while independence supporters on Facebook have been winning, it's the last one opinion poll revealed that Scotland remains under a "foreign yoke". Time will tell who was right.

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Will Scotland make a cross over the UK?

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If it was impossible to predict outcome referendum, it was not impossible to highlight something interesting facts about Scotland. And that's exactly what we're going to do.

    • The word Scots was used in Old English for the Celts of medieval Ireland.
    • The history of Scotland began in 843 with the coronation of their first king, Kenneth MacAplin.
    • The only film with the word "Scotland" in the title to win an Oscar was The Last King of Scotland, starring Forest Whitaker.
    • "There are two seasons in Scotland: June and winter." (Bill Connolly)
    • Scott is the ninth most common surname in Scotland. The top three are Smith, Brown and Wilson.
    • Scotland is the second largest country in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    • Edinburgh (the capital of Scotland) was the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade.
    • Scotland is considered the cradle of golf.
    • The most famous Scottish actor is Sean Connery (he played James Bond).
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Formerly Her Majesty's Agent. Will the queen still be his ruler?
    • The highest point in Scotland is Ben Nevis, which is 1,344 meters high, which is about as high as our Pokljuka.
    • The official animal of Scotland is the unicorn.
    • The stereotypical Scottish cultural image is a mixture of whisky, kilts and pacifiers.
    • The Scottish royal motto reads: "No one irritates me with impunity." ("No one provokes me with impunity.")
    • Edingurg, like Rome, is built on seven hills.
    • During the time of the supercontinent Pangea, Scotland was physically separated from England.
    • Before the First World War (1909 census), the Scots were the tallest nation in Europe, but due to the war, this average dropped by as much as 22 centimeters by 1930.
    • Scotland has approximately 790 islands, of which 130 are uninhabited.
A typical scene from the Scottish countryside.
A typical scene from the Scottish countryside.
  • Scotland is a Protestant country.
  • Scotland was independent until 1603, when the King of Scotland became the King of England, but the countries were not formally united until 1707, when the Kingdom of Great Britain arose.
  • English is the dominant language. Only 1.5% people speak Celtic Scots.
  • The biggest Scottish city is not Edinburgh, but Glasgow.

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