
21 vintage clown photos that will make your skin crawl

Popular culture is full of clowns, an icon that inspires joy on one side and terror on the other, and there aren't many words that are as polarizing as "clown." Some people absolutely adore them, while for others they represent one of their greatest fears. Sometimes they are the main guests of children's birthday parties, sometimes they are the main actors in nightmares. When you see the photo gallery, you will know why this is so.

Clown gear, the classic one with makeup on the face, has been with us since 19th century. And although the clown's role is supposed to entertain and relax people, his presence causes anxiety in many people. Many people, especially adults, suffer from "clownphobia", while children have much less "problems" with them. But through adult eyes, they definitely work earlier scary, as something to which laughed.

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We have Stephen King to thank in large part for that, but proof that you scary images he did not invent it, but it has been with us for a long time, you can find it in the photo gallery, where we have collected photos of men in oversized shoes, red nose and lush wigs that come from a horrible, morbid world rather than any circus or children's stories.

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