
21 ways to become a creative genius

We can't wait forever for inspiration. Sometimes we have to catch him. We have selected 21 ways and tricks from the latest research and expert advice that will help you become a creative genius yourself.

Design agency Lemonly in collaboration with the magazine Entrepreneur in the infographic offers 21 useful tips on how to ignite the creative spark, which will awaken the creative genius in us!

1. Let's choose the worst idea – the risks are not so bad.

2. Let's set smaller tasks - first of all we want to climb the hill before we go up the mountain.

3. Let's question everything – let's test ideas to improve them.

4. Let's imitate – we build on proven and accepted classics.

5. Always ask at least three people about the idea – new perspectives bring new approaches.

6. Let's think like geniuses – what would a genius do now?

7. Let's take notes – we follow our ideas and brilliant moments also on paper.

8. Practice, practice and practice again – daily and constant work will awaken a sleeping genius.

9. Let's focus on one thing – polish one thing to perfection before tackling others.

10. Let's dream and doodle – let's indulge in playfulness and discover new areas.

11. Let's not forget the "possible" – we leave the door open to other possibilities as well.

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12. Let's rest - don't forget to rest, as this will help with new ideas.

13. Let's look outside our field – learn new skills.

14. Let's call a friend – new ventures need networks of people to support us.

15. Let's not forget recreation – brisk walking stimulates creative thinking.

16. Silence is golden – sometimes it's good to just be quiet.

17. Let's forget about perfection – spend more time on actions, less on judging actions.

18. Let's reset our goals – let's ask ourselves, what do we really want?

19. Let's start again – let's abandon old ideas and find fresh ideas.

20. Let's imagine how far away the goal is – psychological distance promotes creativity.

21. Let's not wait – let's be careful but decisive.

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