
How to conquer women like our grandfathers

How did our grandfathers conquer girls?

The rules for conquest and dating used to be completely different than they are today. Today we're flirting with screen skating. Glancing across the table today is liking photos on Faceook. The traditional "questioning" on the first date has been replaced by Googling and browsing social networks. Pretty crappy if you ask us. But it doesn't have to be that way. Women are turning to dating apps because men have lost all sense of conquest. Do as your grandfathers did, and hope for chivalry will be restored to women. Check out how your grandfather conquered women.

In the 21st century, they dominate and thrive above all online dating. Like most things, dating happens online, where sparks happily fly. Grandfathers and grandmothers, treasure troves of knowledge, wisdom and curiosities, had a much different approach from this point of view. Check, how our grandfathers conquered women.

READ MORE: New rules for dating that have replaced the old

How to conquer women like our grandfathers:

Be polite

Politeness will get you far.
Politeness will get you far.

You don't have to be a performer or macho. Women like lighthearted topics, you don't need to brag about your knowledge of the banking system or detail your exercise regime.

Order her a drink without asking her what she's drinking

Don't ask her what she drinks, you have to find out for yourself.
Don't ask her what she drinks, you have to find out for yourself.

Interacting with a woman is like a job interview. In addition to everything else, you also need to learn about the employer. When you approach her in a bar, squint at the glass so you know what to order. And order with confidence. You have nothing to lose, and she earns a free drink either way. Don't hesitate even in your own choice, how else are you going to get her name out of it?

Ask her to dance

With dancing, you will definitely shake the ground under her feet. In a figurative sense. If you actually manage to do this, you will probably finish quickly.
With dancing, you will definitely shake the ground under her feet. In a figurative sense. If you actually manage to do this, you will probably finish quickly.

Learn to dance (if you don't know yet) and don't be afraid to "take advantage" of dancing. The exception is if you don't know how to dance. Then you better not try to charm her with it, because you will quickly waste your chances.

Don't go to extremes

Stand by your beliefs, but don't push yourself.
Stand by your beliefs, but don't push yourself.

Don't be full of yourself, but don't be too greedy either. When in doubt about what vibes to give off, use the following ratio: 25 percent confidence, 25 percent charm, and 50 percent inconspicuousness.

Speak less

Clever with words.
Clever with words.

Yes, be polite and kind, but hold your tongue. How many times after a date or a conversation with a girl you liked, have you said to yourself: "Why the hell did I say that?" Sometimes it's better to talk a little less and listen more. Say everything you say with confidence.

Be a gentleman, hold the door for her, move the chair away and…

Don't be Sophia Loren.
Don't be Sophia Loren.

… don't stare at her breasts! Chivalry is dead, but you can bring it back to the living with simple actions like holding the door and helping with the cloak. Treat a woman like she should, not like a Neanderthal!

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