
April 22 - World Earth Day

We are too little aware that we created the environment in which we live and we should take care of a cleaner environment on a daily basis. This special day of the year is dedicated to raising awareness of environmental protection. April 22 - World Earth Day has been known around the world since 1970, which was taken under its wing by the organization Earth Day Network.

This year World Earth Day, April 22, emphasizes the importance "green cities" and focuses on cities that need to become more sustainable with key elements – energy, buildings and transport, because only then will our cities be healthier, cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Earth Day Network (Earth Day Network) advocates for a change in the mode of transportation, from the car to friendlier alternatives. This is where the involvement of each individual is key. On today's World Earth Day, many awareness-raising activities will take place here as well. Read more about the events that will take place as part of the Green Week in the Heart of Slovenia, from April 22 to 24, at development.si

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