
22 unmistakable signs that your soul mate is thinking about you

"When you're sad and down, I'll hug you, rock you, and take your suffering on me. When you cry, I'll cry with you, when you suffer, I'll suffer with you. Together we'll try to hold back the bursts of tears and despair and push through of the paved paths of life." - Nicholas Sparks

Soul mate. True love. We all want to meet her, but how do we know that we will, or if we already have? There are various signs that your soul mate is thinking about you!

Your love story may be full of ups and downs, but you will feel that special energy in your body that your soulmate is with you.

Whether you've already found your soul mate or you're still looking, here are the signs he's thinking about you!

1. Feel positive energy around you

Even when your partner is not with you, you can still communicate with them through energy. If you feel a veil of positive energy around you, this is one of the signs that your soulmate is thinking of you! Energy is truly one of the most powerful things in the universe.

2. You often feel happy for no reason

Do you ever find yourself smiling for no apparent reason? If you have no idea why and feel satisfied with yourself, it could mean that your soulmate is thinking about you!

3. You suddenly have a desire to be with them

How many times a day do you think: "I wish you were here." If this happens to you often, then this is the reason why you have this uncontrollable desire for them, because they feel the same way. If you want, you can check if it's true and send them a message.

4. Random hiccups

Annoying hiccups! It appears out of nowhere. Hiccups usually happen when you eat too fast – and because your soul mate is thinking of you.

5. Sometimes you can hear their voice

This is definitely one of the strongest signs that you and your soulmate are deeply connected. If you can hear their voice as if they are with you, it is because they are thinking of you. Usually this happens when you are in trouble, so the voice of our loved one serves as an encouragement. This is a strong indication of your strong bond and unconditional love.

6. You can't stop thinking about them

No matter where you are or what you're doing, you just can't stop thinking about them. Spend a lot of time thinking about the first meeting and all those special moments. This is how you know you are in a relationship with a soulmate. If you're not currently in a relationship but can't stop thinking about meeting this person, then you can be sure that your soulmate feels the same way. Know that it is only a matter of time before you finally meet. It might be someone you've known all your life, or a complete stranger.

7. They even reach your dreams

If you are in a relationship and often dream about your loved one, this is a sign of a strong mental connection. In fact, you could be in the same dream without even knowing it. If you're not in a relationship and you constantly dream about a certain person, chances are they entered your dreams for a reason, and that's because they're thinking about you.

8. Sneezing

Like hiccups, sneezing has a secret meaning. Did you know that in some parts of Asia, people believe that an itchy nose means someone is thinking of you? Now you're probably wondering how this has to do with sneezing. Well, if your nose itches, it causes sneezing. There is a rule - if a person sneezes three times in a row (or more), it means that someone special is thinking of them.

9. You need to get your life in order

This sign is especially true for soul mates who will meet soon. If you have a sudden urge to become a better person (the best version of yourself), it may be because your soul is undergoing a transformation to prepare you to meet your soulmate. All of a sudden you have the desire to quit smoking, start doing a holistic lifestyle to get rid of all kinds of toxicity or something. You might think this happens by chance, but it doesn't. This is happening because your soul is trying to connect with the soul of your soul mate. This is because they are thinking about you and are patiently waiting for the day when they finally come together and become one.

10. They often check you out

Does the person check you often? This doesn't happen by accident either. It happens because they are thinking about you and want to know how you feel. They can sense if something bad is happening to you or if you are in distress. They probably even have contacts of people close to you if they can't reach you. Your soul mate is your best friend, lover, life partner and partner in crime. If you need help with something, they'll always make sure they're there for you, and that's how you know you've found your soul mate.

11. Mood swings

Mood swings can be the result of a long stressful day and other life challenges. But what you may not know is that mood swings are also one of the signs that your soul mate is thinking about you. Have you ever felt like you weren't ready to get out of bed in the morning, go to work, and do all the things you have to do that day? Have you felt like just going back to bed and sleeping off the day? But then suddenly your energy level increased and you were excited about everything! Your body and spirit were filled with positive energy and you had no idea how it happened. One of the reasons this happens is the soulmate connection. True soulmates are connected telepathically and can influence each other's energy just by thinking about the other person.

12. Random skin tone

Corns occur for a variety of reasons; for example, when you are cold. But just like sneezing and hiccups, a chicken skin is no accident. If you don't feel cold, scared, or overwhelmed by strong emotions, it might be because the person is thinking about you.

13. They surprise you

If you constantly surprise each other, this is a sign of a strong bond and unconditional love. Unexpected phone calls, a thoughtful gift, or a weekend getaway mean one thing - your soul mate is thinking of you. From small things to big things, they always find a way to make you feel loved, which is the biggest indicator that you are their top priority.

14. You often hear your special song

Do you and your partner have your own special song? Do you often hear it on the radio, in a coffee shop or in other random places? If, it means your person is thinking about you. That's how the universe works. What you think is what you attract. When they think of you, they send energy out into space and the universe does its magic and sends you your special song.

15. You see signs of love everywhere

Do you see signs of love everywhere you go? Are you constantly surrounded by love songs, romantic movies and hints of love in all its forms? When you see them, don't let it irritate you if you are currently single. Because something special is about to happen. Feel inspired and optimistic - someone is thinking of you.

16. Sudden eye twitching

Eye twitching happens mainly due to lack of sleep, but there is a superstition that if you have a twitch in your left eye, it means that someone is thinking of you. However, if you have a twitch in your right eye, it means that someone is directing negative vibrations or thoughts towards you. So if you know that you are getting enough sleep and you don't have any problems with your left eye in particular, this could be a sign that your soulmate is thinking of you.

17. A sense of presence when they are not with you

Have you ever felt the presence of your partner even when he was not with you? If the answer is yes, it's a clear sign that he's thinking about you. Your energy is so powerful that it can turn your soul mate's thoughts into feelings. Then their presence becomes real for a moment.

18. You have the feeling that someone is thinking about you

Intuition is another powerful force that is given for a reason. If you ever get the feeling that someone is thinking about you, then it probably is. Listening to your intuition means listening to your soul. So what is your soul trying to tell you?

19. You have found your purpose in life

Stop doubting your purpose, but actively pursue your dreams and goals. You know exactly who you are and you don't care what others think of you. You stopped pleasing people. If you've found your life purpose, it's a sure sign that you're connected to your special someone (whether you've already met them or will soon). Their energy motivates you to do your best every day in life. Soulmates are here to help us develop and discover our true potential.

20. Feel inspired and motivated

One of the most obvious signs that you have found your soulmate and that they are thinking about you is if you feel motivated and inspired. For the first time, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You have an open mind and accept challenges. You feel as if an imaginary hand is guiding you through life. That imaginary hand is that special someone who is thinking about you.

21. Past relationships finally make sense

All the previous heartaches and challenges in love finally make sense to you. In them you see the lessons you had to learn to be ready to unite with your soulmate. You know your special someone is thinking about you when you are finally ready to accept your past and move on. A new life chapter awaits you and all you have to do is - believe in it.

22. You feel complete

If you feel complete and relaxed, your soulmate is thinking of you. You no longer care about the opinions of others. You live life to the fullest and you are fully aware of the fact that not everyone will love you and you accept that. You're also aware of the fact that your soulmate probably won't be your ideal partner, but they will be perfect for you, and that's all that matters.

Feel connected to your true self! One of the biggest signs that your soul mate is thinking about you is feeling connected to your true self. You accept your quirks and all other imperfections. You have stopped chasing perfection and are instead focused on becoming the best version of yourself. You love yourself the way you are and don't try to be something you're not.

In reality, the moment we fall in love with ourselves is the moment we can receive the gift of connecting with our soulmate. Best of luck!

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