
This time, the 23rd SILA-IWCL charity bazaar invites you to the Union Hotel hall

Stalls in previous years at the bazaar of the SILA association

The SILA-IWCL bazaar is one of the most popular pre-holiday events in the capital. It is a bazaar where women from the Association of Wives of Foreign Businessmen and Diplomats in Slovenia sell unique products from their home countries, i.e. from all over the world. This year, in addition to the products, many other exotic surprises await us.

Important information
Miklošičeva cesta 1
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

If in previous years we bought products of all kinds from all over the world at the Economic Exhibition, this year the women from the SILA-IWCL association (this year the SILA association got a new, internationally recognizable suffix IWCL) are inviting us for the first time to hall of Hotel Union. At the charity bazaar, in which as many as 32 member states will participate, we will be able to buy even more unique products than in previous years, as well as other exotic sweets.

Members of the SILA-IWCL association at the charity bazaar (Photo: archives of the SILA-IWCL association)
Members of the SILA-IWCL association at the charity bazaar (Photo: archives of the SILA-IWCL association)

News brought by the 23rd SILA-IWCL bazaar

It will be in a special hall this year tasting of prepared exotic dishes, which we can otherwise try only on distant trips or in specialized restaurants, but on a special stage we will be able to enjoy singing and dancing international performances. Among other things, we will be able to see Saudi Arabian, Irish and cowboy dances and around 20 other cultural points.

All proceeds go to charity

As every year, the proceeds of all sold products will be donated to charity. The aid this time goes to five non-profit institutions that help women and children, victims of violence, namely the SOS Society, the Society for Nonviolent Communication, the Asylum Center for Minor Refugees, the Ema Institute and the Association against Sexual Abuse.

Varied events at the stands of the charity bazaar (Photo: Archives of the SILA-IWCL association)
Varied events at the stands of the charity bazaar (Photo: Archives of the SILA-IWCL association)

About the association

The SILA-IWCL association was founded in 1993 and currently has 170 members from 40 countries. It tries to make it easier for the wives of foreign businessmen and diplomats to integrate into a new environment, to connect wives who are facing similar problems, it also offers them regular joint activities and trips, and organizes two key charity events, the SILA bazaar open to the public and the SILA GALA charity dance, intended for invitees .

Gallery: SILA-IWCL association bazaar in previous years

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