
23 photos that will take you back to your youth

Everyone sometimes feels nostalgic for their childhood, especially when they are not feeling well. And in the rush of emotions, nostalgia, which could also be called the good old days, dictates the pace. Although it basically means longing for something that was, especially pleasant, it doesn't necessarily have to bring up something bad, because there's no point in living in the past, but it's nice to recall childhood sometimes. And nothing will evoke it more than our photo gallery.

We are all full nostalgia. There is always something hidden in the past pleasant, that's why we don't throw it away like a holey sock, even if only it remains memory, which is captured in a photo or in our head.

READ MORE: Jugonostalgia – sweet and unforgettable memories

Above all, we are nostalgic for young years, when there were most of those "first" this, "first" that. It may be on objects that take us back already gathered dust or even ended up in the dustbin of history, but in pictures and in our heads they remain fresh, like a freshly painted bench. And for bringing back the memories it is not necessary to open a family album, because memories are very flexible creatures and settle anywhere. Just look at where everything "homes" ours youth.

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