

A healthy mind in a healthy body. It's nothing new and it's no surprise that we deal with stress much better when our bodies are in good shape. The problem is that (too) often we don't give ourselves what we really need, whether it's sleep, food or time for ourselves, which is really the time when we dedicate ourselves to ourselves and recovering from a busy schedule.

During vacations, you will have a wonderful opportunity to give your body - and especially your spirit - you regain vitality. You just have to take advantage of it. Realizing that you have to treat your body in such a way that it will serve us for a long time, actually served longer than expected. We must be aware and understand that taking care of yourself at the end of the day it's not just about caring for yourself, but also for others. A healthy mind in a healthy body. Makes sense, but often very elusive.

You may find balance this year on the soup, well, literally. By the way, I tried it myself and was completely overwhelmed despite my fear of the depth of the water. You can read more about it on page 22. We have searched some for you the hottest Slovenian urban fashion brands, as well as tips on how to drink a cup of black gold like true Italians. What the labels actually mean "vegan", "natural" or "fair trade", you can read in the beauty section. We also want to help you with less use of plastic in everyday life, so we have collected some suggestions on how to turn it off.

I wish you a pleasant reading, an unforgettable vacation, and you can catch us again in September, when we return full of new ideas and enthusiasm.

Lucia Marko,

Instagram: lucymarko
E: lucija.marko@citymagazine.si

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.