
24 h Architecture marathon: renovation is cool

Lectures and exhibitions by architects, video projection, playful architecture workshops, Open Houses event, architectural consultancy, architectural and urban tour of Celje, round tables and lectures on related topics and the like. The architectural marathon will take place continuously for 24 hours, from the 5th...

Important information
Celje Youth Center, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Lectures and exhibitions by architects, video projection, playful architecture workshops, Open House event, architectural consultancy, architectural and urban tour of Celje, round tables and lectures on related topics, etc.
The architectural marathon will take place continuously for 24 hours, namely from 5 October (Friday) from 10 am to 6 October 2012 (Saturday) until 12 pm, in the Celje Youth Center.

Architecture and Spatial Week 2012 (hereinafter TAP 2012) takes place throughout Slovenia between October 1 and 7, 2012 at the initiative of the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning. METRO SR, the Spatial Institute of the Savinja Region, joins the project as a coordinator and implementer of the program in Celje, namely with a topic that is related not only to the narrower city area, but also to the regional and national level. The central theme of TAP 2012 is "Society Renewal". City renewal. Renovation of buildings", with which we want to draw attention to the importance of a high-quality landscape with an emphasis on urban renewal (society, cities and architecture).

The Chamber of Architecture and Space of Slovenia, as the initiator of TAP 2012, determines the central theme, while METRO SR, as a participating institution, prepares local and regional programs for the implementation and presentation of the theme. As part of TAP 2012, this year, METRO SR is starting the project "24-hour architectural marathon: renovation is cool", in which we will carry out a varied number of activities on the topic of (urban) renovation in a condensed form during 24 hours. The project involves several partners who actively participate in its implementation. Thus, in case of successful implementation, the project will become traditional and would be implemented every year as part of TAP, otherwise the content will be adapted to the selected topic.

Event: 24 h Architecture marathon: renovation is cool
 Place: Celje
Time: from 5/10/2012 (Friday) to 6/10/2012 (Saturday)
 Location: MCC, Celj Youth Center
 Organizer: METRO SR, Spatial Institute of the Savinja Region
 Partners: Chamber for Architecture and Space of Slovenia,
 MCC, Celj Youth Center
 Association of Architects and Urban Planners of Celje
 Municipality of Celje
 The Museum of Recent History of Celje


As part of the "24h Architecture Marathon: Renovation is Cool" event, there will be lectures and exhibitions by architects, a video projection, playful architecture workshops, an Open House event, an architectural consultancy, an architectural and urban tour of Celje, round tables and lectures on related topics, and the like. The event is intended for the widest lay population, both children, high school students, students and adults, and experts - architects, urban planners, spatial planners - will participate in the event.


Playful architecture

A city is a complex organism that is constantly changing. How do cars, pedestrians, factories... affect its image? What do we dislike and what do we like in our hometown? We will learn about how cities were created over time and why they are the way they are today. With the help of Styrofoam cubes, we will create the city in which we want to live. In addition to our homes, we will put schools, shops, parks, playgrounds and roads in it. As true urban planners, we will try to find out how individual elements are interconnected and find solutions to improve our hometown.
10.00 – 11.00 (Friday) / II. elementary school
11.00 – 12.00 (Friday) / invited elementary school
12.00 – 13.00 (Friday) / invited elementary school
13.00 – 14.00 (Friday) / invited SŠ
14.00 – 15.00 (Friday) / invited SŠ
15.00 (Friday) – 10.00 (Saturday) / others


Exhibition of architectural projects

10:00 a.m. (Friday) – 10:00 a.m. (Saturday)

Video projection of an architectural film

10:00 a.m. (Friday) – 10:00 a.m. (Saturday)

Presentation of the completed project Urban phenomena - museum perspectives / MCC and the Museum of Recent History of Celje.
15.00 - 16.00 (Friday)

Presentation of key urban renewal projects in Celje

International project EPOurban, starting points for the reurbanization of the city center, restoration of part of the old city center in Celje.
16:00 - 17:00 (Friday)

The annual regional meeting of members of the Chamber of Architecture and Space of Slovenia from the region under the leadership of the president of the Chamber, mag. Andrej Goljar, and the president of the Celje region, Robert Bah.
17.00 - 18.00 (Friday)

Presentation of the sponsor's activities

18.00 - 19.00 (Friday)


M.Sc. Tomaž Krušec, M.Sc. Gorazd Furman Oman, Tomaž Čeligoj, Ivan Juretič (HR).

19:00 – 24:00 (Friday)

Guided architectural and urban tour of Celje

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Saturday)

Open houses 

MCC, together with the authors and the Chamber of Architecture and Space of Slovenia, presents an exemplary renovation not only of the building, but of the entire square, which revived a part of the old city center of Celje with appropriate content.
12.00 (Saturday)


Encouraging young people to spend their free time creatively. The music will be provided by DJ Perič.
10:00 a.m. (Friday) – 10:00 a.m. (Saturday)

All additional information is available from the organizer: METRO SR, Savinjska Region Spa Office, Aškerčeva 14, 3000 Celje, contact person: Mojca Furman Oman, phone: 03 4900 409, mobile: 031 555 201, fax: 03 4900 439, e -mail: mojca@metro-sr.org, web: http://www.metro-sr.org/.

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