
25. Golden Drum 2018: back home to Portorož

The Golden Drum international festival of creativity is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and for this purpose is returning to the Slovenian coast, to its first home - Portorož. The festival will take place between October 17 and 19 at the Hotel Slovenija, and it will not only bring a change in location, but also a renewed competition program. 22 international experts will evaluate and determine which works reflect the latest trends in the advertising and creative industries.

Important information
Hotel Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Prices according to category and program.

Golden drum is an international festival creativity, in which agencies, advertisers, clients, production houses and design studios, TV and other media houses and everyone involved in the creation or production of marketing communications, present their creative contente.

Various speakers will appear at the festival of creativity.
Various speakers will appear at the festival of creativity.

The organizers are for this year's festival drew inspiration from everyday life. Anyone who deals with communications must have constant eyes open, he must absorb experiences, images, thoughts, patterns, relationships... he must understand life in all its fullness. That's why they are hosting this year speakers who can say the most about finding inspiration and sparks – they will cover different areas from technology and communications to philosophy.

The competition sections are more widespread this year.
The competition sections are more widespread this year.

The Golden Drum race remains divided into two competitive sections, but these are much more extended: now they are addressed much more functional, namely with two questions; WHY was the work developed? and WHAT is this work? Competition section WHAT will recognize and reward the best solutions and most effective implementations while competition section WHY sought the underlying reasons for different communication practices.

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