In photography, everything revolves around light and perspective, and nowhere is this more expressed than in a series of 25 two-part photographs, where the main subject and his shadow talk past each other and where the shadows momentarily 'step out of the shadows'. At the same time, it should be added that none of the photos went under the knife of the famous photo manipulation surgeon Dr. Photoshop, so everything you see is completely natural.
Motif and shadow are usually part of the same story, but not in these cases where they interpret it differently, often even diametrically opposite. But both versions speak the truth. The fact is that with the right perspective, the right amount of light and the right time, we can create funny, mysterious photos with a strong message value. Sometimes this is expressed in a more indirect way, and sometimes in a very explicit way, as you will see below. And some sense of perspective and sense of observation are fertile humus for fun and artistic photos, even if you don't have the best photography equipment. Because it is the photographer who makes a good photo, not the camera.
READ MORE: Brothers who travel back in time through reflected photo manipulation