
25 unwritten rules of life that you must follow

Unwritten rules of life

Life is full of rules that in one way or another (legally) limit us and define a code of conduct. But just like in sports, in life too there are a bunch of unwritten rules that don't need to be followed, but are nevertheless key to healthy human relationships. We present to you 25 unwritten rules of life that you must follow to make the world a better place.

Although our society has countless rules, written in laws and other acts, there are still a bunch of unwritten rules that no one has codified, but they are key to healthy human relationships. Nevertheless, we humans diligently violate them, which is why we are in the state we are in.

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In the following, we present 25 "commandments of God", the unwritten rules of life that you have to follow if you want the world to get back on track.

25 unwritten rules of life that you must follow:

  • It's your life, so do what you love. Do this often.
  • Stop looking for the love of your life. It will be waiting for you when you do the things you love.
  • Write things down.
  • Before entering the bus/train/room/elevator, allow people to get off first.
Let people get off first before you "board" yourself.
Let people get off first before you "board" yourself.
  • Never turn on speakerphone while on the phone in public.
  • If you are walking in a group, never occupy the entire sidewalk.
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  • Be open to new and different things/people. We complement each other with our difference.
  • Don't keep people waiting.
Don't be late.
Don't be late.
  • Some opportunities only come once. Grab them!
  • If you take the biggest piece of pizza, stop at the second one.
  • If you see someone who has fallen, help them up and ask if they are okay.
  • Don't play with food.
  • If you think something is wrong with your electronic device, ask for help only after you restart it.
When your device doesn't obey you, restart it first before someone else has to deal with it. Sometimes all it takes is a reboot.
When your device doesn't obey you, restart it first before someone else has to deal with it. Sometimes all it takes is a reboot.
  • If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV or using Facebook.
  • If you don't like something, try to change it.
  • If you are not sure that a woman is pregnant, don't ask her!
If you are not sure about her pregnancy, don't ask.
If you are not sure about her pregnancy, don't ask.
  • Travel often. Getting lost will help you find yourself.
  • Give the guest a bigger and better piece of food.
Always give the guest a larger piece.
Always give the guest a larger piece.
  • Life is not short. It is short only for those who start living it too late.
  • If you open something, don't forget to close it.
Don't have a tail.
Don't have a tail.

Do you follow any of these unwritten rules of life?

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