
26 big but extremely cute dogs who hug their owners

A dog's love is unconditional, so it's no wonder the emotional bonds between dogs and their owners are so deep and mutual. Dogs recognize our emotional changes and offer us comfort. Because nothing feels better than a sincere and loving hug. And four-legged friends know this, even if hugs may not be too much for them.

A dog is one of the best therapists. Why? Because there is only one big one love, is personified loyalty and our soul is reflected in his eyes. It is eternal child, which can always reconcile us in a good mood.

READ MORE: 7 simple tricks every dog owner should know

Check out our gallery and let anyone say they don't like these furry lumps of happiness with a high concentration of love hugs! For those of you who still don't believe in it, it will always be here man (or not) and dendrotherapy (hugging trees). So try your luck there.

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