
29. Gay and lesbian film festival

V londonskih sobah (In Their Room: London, ZDA, 2013).
In Their Room: London, USA, 2013.

Between November 23 and December 1, 2013, the 29th Gay and Lesbian Film Festival will take place at the Slovenian Cinematheque and at various locations in Ljubljana, Celje, Koper, Maribor and Ptuj.

Gay and lesbian film festival, which is already underway 29th year, applies to the oldest festival lesbian and gay film in Europe. Films by gay and lesbian filmmakers, as well as films with thematic themes, are on display same-sex orientation. It will spin around forty short and full-length, feature, documentary and experimental films from the field of this type of subject.

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Cover image: a scene from the film In Their Room: London, USA, 2013.

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