
3+ qualities of your partner that also say a lot about you

3+ qualities of your partner that also say a lot about you

Although science tries to explain why we fall in love with someone and what qualities play the biggest role, love and falling in love remain one of the greatest mysteries of our existence. Who we choose as our partner can also say a lot about ourselves. Do you know that the characteristics of your partner say something about you?

Who knows why we really fall in love with someone? Are her piercing eyes to blame for the butterflies in her stomach? Maybe his sense of humor? Or her endearing way of speaking?

Even though you are at all odds we try to explain love, it is difficult to put it in a small enough framework to be able to research it fairly and reliably. Nevertheless, such attempts to explain love are very interesting - like these qualities of your partner that can also tell you a lot.

Similar appearance

Some studies have proven that you are we often choose a person, which looks somewhat similar to us. This often happens with people who think they are themselves attractive – so they are attracted to people who are more similar to them than people who look completely different.

It is also interesting that according to scientific findings people chose persons who are in similar to the "drinking zone".

Emotional or rational?

Allegedly, people in a partnership often we complement each other in emotionality and rationality. If your partner is emotional, you should be more rational, and vice versa. Does it work for you too?

Often in a couple, one is more emotional and the other is more rational.
Often in a couple, one is more emotional and the other is more rational.

Height difference

A man with a very small woman should appear stronger, muscular and courageous, and with a woman who is taller than him, more successful and more confident, according to science. If you have a short partner, you want to take care of him. You expect a tall partner to take care of you and you paid attention.


According to the results of numerous surveys, the decisive factor for women is also that does the man have a pet. If he has one, in the eyes of a woman such a man is a lot of bserious and reliable oil. Women who have a pet are in the eyes of men gentle, lovely and ready for a serious relationship.

Women prefer men with pets.
Women prefer men with pets.

He looks like your parents.

About 100 years ago, he was the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, developed the hypothesis that you we often choose a partner, which resembles our parent of the opposite sex. And they are of the same opinion modern scientists, who claim, among other things, that it will a child of older parents probably once had an older partner.

Complementary ego state

According to the transactional psychoanalysis our ego structure is divided into three levels: an adult, a child and parents. In different situations we respond from different ego states, but most of the time one state dominates. In partner relationships, it is so common to notice that if one the ego state of the parent dominates (orders; subjugates the other; excessively cares for the other...), the other often veats like a child.

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