
3 homemade natural cleaners for the kitchen, bathroom and glass that are better and more effective than store-bought!

Homemade cleaners for the kitchen

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Photo: envato elements

Are you tired of buying expensive and aggressive cleaners? Do you want to clean your home in a more environmentally friendly way? Discover simple recipes for homemade natural cleaners that are safe, affordable and effective. Join the green cleaning trend! Let us present to you - homemade natural cleaners.

Nowadays, when we are increasingly aware of the importance of preserving the environment and our health, homemade natural cleaners have become a real hit. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they are also safe for use in a home environment where there are children and pets. In the following, I present to you three simple recipes for homemade natural cleaners that will turn your home into a shining oasis of cleanliness. So – homemade natural cleaners.

Photo: envato elements

Kitchen cleaner

For a cleaner that effectively removes grease and cleans surfaces, we need lemon juice and baking soda. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture can be used to clean dishes, copper pots, floor surfaces, tiles and counters.​​

  • All-purpose cleaner: Mix 1 cup of distilled water, 1 cup of white vinegar or homemade orange vinegar, 15-20 drops of your chosen essential oil. Use to clean surfaces other than marble, granite and stone surfaces​​.
  • Sink cleaning paste: Mix 1 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to dirty and greasy surfaces.

Bathroom cleaner

The combination of vinegar and dish detergent is great for cleaning the bathroom. Heat a pot of vinegar, pour some hand dishwashing detergent into it. Pour into a spray bottle, shake well and you have a ready cleaner for windows, mirrors, sinks, taps and other surfaces.​​

  • All-purpose cleaner: Mix 2 tablespoons of liquid castile soap, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 2 cups of warm water and, if desired, add 30 drops of tea tree and 20 drops of sweet orange or other essential oils. Use for cleaning of all surfaces in the bathroom​​.

Glass cleaner

Use alcohol vinegar for crystal clear windows and glass surfaces. Mix a few tablespoons of vinegar with water and use this mixture to thoroughly clean glass surfaces. If necessary, add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant smell.

  • Glass cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/3 cup rubbing alcohol in a 16-ounce spray bottle, then top up with distilled water. If desired, add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Apply the cleaner to the glass and wipe with a microfiber cloth. A great cleaner on our list – homemade natural cleaners.

Additional tips:

  • At cleaning the kitchen don't forget the hard to reach areas like oven and sink.
  • At cleaning the bathroom focus on removing bacteria and preventing mold.
  • At cleaning windows use a microfiber cloth or squeegee to prevent marks.

Why choose homemade natural cleaners?

The advantages of using homemade natural cleaners are numerous. You have complete control over the ingredients you use, which is crucial for households with allergies or special health needs​​. They also improve the air quality in your home and are a safer choice for children and pets.​​ In addition, they are affordable and environmentally friendly.

Homemade natural cleaners they are easy to prepare and effective. Using simple ingredients that are often found at home, we can create cleaners that are kind to both the environment and our health. Try these recipes and enjoy a clean and fresh home.

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