
3 key nutritional tips for a healthy life

photo: istockphoto.com

Although we want to eat healthy, in the flood of nutritional rules, various diets and strict regimes, we sometimes no longer know what really works. To put an end to nutritional confusion once and for all, we've pulled out of the mothball 3 key nutritional tips for a healthy life that we may have already forgotten...

A healthy and balanced diet is actually not as complex as some people make it out to be nutrition experts. Nowadays, it is in addition to complexity dietary rules the fact that people are not consistent and jump from one to another is also problematic diet in another and they do not stick to only one rule, but constantly mix them with each other and always add new ones. Not to mention that they are often completely unsuitable the individual's body. To avoid the stress associated with diet confusion, we've researched three key ones nutritional advice for a truly healthy life…

Let's eat sit down

"Eat while sitting down" is a completely self-evident rule that many people break at least a few times a week. Many times, it is not the meals we eat sitting down that are to blame for gaining unwanted kilos, but all the countless snacks we eat while walking around the office, shops and the like.

Let's watch the quantity

Let's stop before we empty an entire box of chocolates or a bag of snacks. Rather than unhealthy snacks, we reach for healthy treats, such as dried fruit and nuts, which are more filling than unhealthy sweets.

Let's focus on products of plant origin

Fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of our meals, because this is the only way we consume a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and other key substances that our body needs for optimal functioning.

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