
3 questions to reveal whether you are a genius: the shortest intelligence test in the world

Photo: envato

A simple intelligence test. Answer just three questions to reveal whether you are a genius. What are you waiting for, check quickly, but the matter is not as easy as you think, because only 17% people had the correct answers.

Also known as the world's shortest intelligence test, the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) claims that it only takes three questions to determine if you are a genius.

Developed in 2005 by Princeton psychologist Shane Frederick, this simple test assesses your ability to process information slowly and rationally rather than jump to conclusions.

To succeed in this test of cognitive reflection, you need to take the time to think carefully before your intuition pulls you to an answer.

Before you answer the three questions, you should know that at first they will seem very easy, but they are not.

A 2005 study found that students at some of the most prestigious universities—Harvard and Yale—didn't get all of these questions right—only 17 percent had a perfect score.



1. A baseball bat and ball cost a total of €1.10. The cue costs €1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. If 5 machines take 5 minutes to make 5 parts, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 parts?

3. There are water lilies in the lake. Every day their width doubles. If they cover the entire lake in 48 days, how many days will it take to cover half of the lake?


Most people will answer the first question for ten cents, the second question for a hundred minutes, and the third question for 24 days. However, these answers are not correct.


The correct answers are:

1. A ball costs five cents.

If a club costs €1 more than a ball, it is easy to assume that the ball costs ten cents. However, this would mean that the cue costs €1 and ten cents, given that it costs €1 more than the ball. For the sum to be €1 and ten cents, the ball must cost five cents - and the club €1 and five cents.

2. A hundred machines would take five minutes to make a hundred products.

Five machines can make five products in five minutes. This means that one machine will make one product even in five minutes. Therefore, one hundred machines will make one hundred products in five minutes.

3. It would take the water lilies 47 days to cover half of the lake.

The width doubles every day. This means that on day 47, the day before it covers the entire lake, it would be halfway to full size.

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