
3 signs he wants to spend his life with you, based on his astrological sign

Surely there is nothing more beautiful in the world when two people grow old together and are more in love with each other every day.

The person felt that it was time to share things that they do not want to share with anyone but you. Unconditional love. Respect. Trust. They give you all that and more. What are the signs that they want to spend their life with you, according to their astrological sign?


1. They told you their deepest secrets, even though they usually don't confide in anyone.
2. They have already cried in front of you, although they usually hide their emotions from others.
3. They have decided to live with you (and are excited about it), even though they are used to the freedom of living.


1. They've kissed you and held your hand in public, even though they're usually shy about showing affection.
2. They took a week off to be with you, even though they can't be with one person for that long.
3. They promised you they wouldn't go anywhere - and they always keep their promises.


1. They are always honest with you about their feelings, even if they find it difficult to open up.
2. They bought a house, pet, or car together, even though it was a big investment.
3. They spent the holidays with you and invited you as a companion to every wedding.


1. You were invited to your parents' house to meet the whole family.
2. They started addressing their pets like your children.
3. They share everything with you – from food to sweaters to towels.


1. They apologized to you, they usually don't apologize to others because they are too stubborn to admit they were wrong.
2. They invite you to business parties, even though they usually don't mix business and pleasure.
3. They've memorized your favorite foods, movies, and quotes, even though they tend to be more self-centered.

A virgin

1. They said: "I love you," which is a big step for them because when they say it, they mean it.
2. Whenever they go out with friends, they make sure to include you because they want to have you by their side.
3. They post some photos of you on Instagram, even though they usually keep their private lives private.


1. They are not embarrassed to be seen when they wake up.
2. When they don't see you in person, they text you throughout the day to remind you how much they care.
3. They let you borrow anything you want from them, and you don't even have to ask.


1. They gave you the password to their phone, email, and Netflix account, even though they usually don't want to share it.
2. They already had a fight with you and instead of running away, they stayed and found a way to make things right.
3. They gave you the most thoughtful gifts, even though they usually wait until the last second and give gift cards.


1. They delete every dating app without you asking, even though they usually like to keep things open.
2. They enjoy spending time with you on the weekends, even if they're not intimate.
3. They cuddle with you and make you breakfast, even though they usually have trouble being vulnerable like that.


1. They tell their friends they plan to marry you, even though they are otherwise secretive about their feelings.
2. They empty drawers so you can store your clothes, leave your toothbrush, and give you an apartment key, even though they're usually protective of their space.
3. They will casually talk about marrying you and having children because there is no doubt in their minds that you will be here for life.


1. They bought you a ring.
2. They call you their future wife/husband, even though before they met you, they were against marriage.
3. They wrote you a long message about how they want you in their world forever.


1. They started gossiping about your family members as their own.
2. Before they make any major decisions, they contact you and ask for your opinion.
3. They consider you their person and their best friend in the world.

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